Italian lyrics translated to English please:Valentina Stella - Passione eterna mia

Thread: Italian lyrics translated to English please:Valentina Stella - Passione eterna mia

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  1. cmyers's Avatar

    cmyers said:

    Default Italian lyrics translated to English please:Valentina Stella - Passione eterna mia

    ca tu nun si
    cchiu' niente
    ma giuro inutilmente
    comme te lasse cchiu'

    s'io cerco scusa a gente
    ca io fermo e nun si tu.
    passione eterna mia
    che vo' sta gelusia
    pure inte suonne
    me fa' schiavo 'e te
    je te chiammo veleno
    quanno tu me vuo' bene
    j'm'attacco a stu bene
    e nun trovo cchiu' a te.

    si bella sulamente
    ma dinto core
    nun tiene niente cchiu'
    e jo more ogne mumento
    te sonno e nun si' tu.

    passione eterna mia
    che vo' sta gelusia
    pure inte suonne
    me fa' schiavo 'e te
    jo te chiamme veleno
    quanne tu me vuo' bene
    j'm'attacco 'a stu bene
    e nun trovo cchiu' a te.

    passione eterna mia.
  2. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    giuro.../ i swear
    ca tu nun sicchiu' niente/ you're no longer nothing to me
    ma giuro inutilmente/ but i swear it in vain
    comme te lasse cchiu'/ like i leave you again (don't know what it means)
    s'io cerco scusa a gente ca io fermo e nun si tu. (I suppose it could mean something like "I stop people on the streets looking for you, but i can't find you")

    passione..../ passion
    passione eterna mia/ my eternal passion
    che vo' sta gelusia/ what does this jealousy want?
    pure inte suonne/ even in my sleep
    me fa' schiavo 'e te/ I'm your slave
    veleno..../ poison
    je te chiammo veleno/ to me you're poison
    quanno tu me vuo' bene/ when you love me
    j'm'attacco a stu bene/ i latch onto this love
    e nun trovo cchiu' a te./ and i can no longer find you

    bella..../ beautiful
    si bella sulamente/ you're only beautiful only exteriorly
    ma dinto core/ but inside your heart
    niente.../ there is nothing
    nun tiene niente cchiu'/ it can't keep nothing anymore
    e jo more ogne mumento/ and i die every moment
    te sonno e nun si' tu./ i dream about you, but it's not you

    passione..../ passion
    passione eterna mia/ my eternal passion
    che vo' sta gelusia/ what does this jealousy want?
    pure inte suonne/ even in my sleep
    me fa' schiavo 'e te/ I'm your slave
    veleno..../ poison
    je te chiammo veleno/ to me you're poison
    quanno tu me vuo' bene/ when you love me
    j'm'attacco a stu bene/ i latch onto this love
    e nun trovo cchiu' a te./ and i can no longer find you

    passione eterna mia/ my eternal passion
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  3. frabla said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Ligeia View Post
    giuro.../ i swear
    ca tu nun sicchiu' niente/ you're no longer nothing to me
    ma giuro inutilmente/ but i swear it in vain
    comme te lasse cchiu'/ like i leave you again (don't know what it means)
    s'io cerco scusa a gente ca io fermo e nun si tu. (I suppose it could mean something like "I stop people on the streets looking for you, but i can't find you")

    passione..../ passion
    passione eterna mia/ my eternal passion
    che vo' sta gelusia/ what does this jealousy want?
    pure inte suonne/ even in my sleep
    me fa' schiavo 'e te/ I'm your slave
    veleno..../ poison
    je te chiammo veleno/ to me you're poison
    quanno tu me vuo' bene/ when you love me
    j'm'attacco a stu bene/ i latch onto this love
    e nun trovo cchiu' a te./ and i can no longer find you

    bella..../ beautiful
    si bella sulamente/ you're only beautiful only exteriorly
    ma dinto core/ but inside your heart
    niente.../ there is nothing
    nun tiene niente cchiu'/ it can't keep nothing anymore
    e jo more ogne mumento/ and i die every moment
    te sonno e nun si' tu./ i dream about you, but it's not you

    passione..../ passion
    passione eterna mia/ my eternal passion
    che vo' sta gelusia/ what does this jealousy want?
    pure inte suonne/ even in my sleep
    me fa' schiavo 'e te/ I'm your slave
    veleno..../ poison
    je te chiammo veleno/ to me you're poison
    quanno tu me vuo' bene/ when you love me
    j'm'attacco a stu bene/ i latch onto this love
    e nun trovo cchiu' a te./ and i can no longer find you

    passione eterna mia/ my eternal passion
    good, but some corrections.... (i live in Naples...)
    giuro.../ i swear
    ca tu nun sicchiu' niente/ you're no longer nothing to me
    ma giuro inutilmente/ but i uselessy swear
    comme te lasse cchiu'/ how can i leave you again
    s'io cerco scusa a gente ca io fermo e nun si tu. / I stop people on the streets who seems you, but they aren't

    passione..../ passion
    passione eterna mia/ my eternal passion
    che vo' sta gelusia/ what does this jealousy want?
    pure inte suonne/ even in my dreams
    me fa' schiavo 'e te/ it (jealousy) makes me your slave
    veleno..../ poison
    je te chiammo veleno/ to me you're poison
    quanno tu me vuo' bene/ when you love me
    j'm'attacco a stu bene/ i cling to this love
    e nun trovo cchiu' a te./ but i can no longer find you

    bella..../ beautiful
    si bella sulamente/ you're only beautiful (only exteriorly)
    ma dinto core/ but inside your heart
    niente.../ there is nothing
    nun tiene niente cchiu'/ there is nothing more
    e jo more ogne mumento/ and i die every moment
    te sonno e nun si' tu./ i dream about you, but it's not you

    passione..../ passion
    passione eterna mia/ my eternal passion
    che vo' sta gelusia/ what does this jealousy want?
    pure inte suonne/ even in my dreams
    me fa' schiavo 'e te/ it (jealousy) makes me your slave
    veleno..../ poison
    je te chiammo veleno/ to me you're poison
    quanno tu me vuo' bene/ when you love me
    j'm'attacco a stu bene/ i cling to this love
    e nun trovo cchiu' a te./ but i can no longer find you

    passione eterna mia/ my eternal passion...