Jose Jose - Buenos Dias Amor Lyrics to english

Thread: Jose Jose - Buenos Dias Amor Lyrics to english

Tags: spanish to english
  1. lakerats said:

    Default Jose Jose - Buenos Dias Amor Lyrics to english

    Confundi tu piel de nacar con la maana
    confundi tus ojos verdes con agua clara
    tu cabello con la noche y tu cuerpo con mi almohada
    yo estaba soando y tu a mi lado acurrucada
    Me perdi en tu vientre cuando aun dormias
    la sorpresa abrio tus ojos y se hizo el dia
    encerre un beso en tus labios por si acaso me reias
    y cubri tu cuerpo pues el alba nos veia
    Buenos dias amor amor amor
    que tiene tu cara?
    que ha perdido el color amor amor
    y no dice nada
    he viajado tu piel de norte a sur
    y no he encontrado a una mujer como tu
    Buenos dias amor amor amor
    que tiene tu cara?
    que ha perdido el color amor amor
    y no dice nada
    he viajado tu piel de norte a sur
    y no he encontrado a otra mujer como tu
    Abandonada a la suerte de la maana
    escondiste tus temores bajo la almohada
    se que estabas enfadada pero no dijiste nada
    el que calla otorga y se que estas enamorada
  2. bedroomeyes's Avatar

    bedroomeyes said:


    I confused your pearly skin with the morning
    I confused your green eyes with clear water
    your hair with the night and your body with my pillow
    I was dreaming with you curled up next to me
    I lost myself in your belly while you lay sleeping
    surprise opened your eyes and morning arrived
    I locked a kiss on your lips in case you were to laugh on me
    and covered up your body because the dawn was watching us
    Good morning love love love
    what happened to your face?
    it's gone pale love love
    and doesn't say anything
    I've traveled north and south on your skin
    and haven't found a woman like you
    Good morning love love love
    what happened to your face?
    it's gone pale love love
    and doesn't say anything
    I've traveled north and south on your skin
    and haven't found another woman like you
    Resigned to the fate of the morning
    you hid your fears under the pillow
    I know you were angry but you never said anything
    he who keeps quiet consents and I know you're in love
    The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.
    -Albert Einstein