Esil Duran - Elmaz

Thread: Esil Duran - Elmaz

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  1. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:

    Default Esil Duran - Elmaz

    here is the song

    Тук съм сега и няма да спра,
    tuk sym sega i nqma da spra
    i am here now and I won't stop
    с тебе да танцувам аз.
    s tebe da tancuvam az
    to dance with you
    Твоите ръце ме карат да горя,
    tvoite ryce me karat da govorq
    your hands make me burn
    да блестя като елмаз.
    da blestq kato elmaz
    to shine like an elmaz ( elmaz is a diamond )
    Силен аромат на мъжки парфюм
    silen aromat na myzhki parfum
    a strong aroma of male perfume
    имат моите коси.
    imat moite kosi
    my hair have got

    Нищо, че с друга тук си дошъл,
    nishto, che s druga tuk si doshyl
    doesn't matter that you have come here with other one
    с мене ще си тръгнеш ти.
    s mene shte si trygnesh ti
    you will leave with me
    Гледай само мен, само мен
    gledai samo men, samo me
    look only me, only me
    не, не бъди така смутен,
    ne , ne bydi taka smuten
    no, don't be so disconcerted
    чакат ни в нощта хиляди неща.
    chakat ni v noshtta hilqdi neshta
    a thousand of things are waiting us in the night

    Припев: (х2)
    В очите ми елмаз блести,
    v ochite mi elmaz blesti
    in my eyes elmaz is shineing
    зная само, че за тебе грее.
    znaq samo, che za tebe gree
    I only know that it shines for you
    Искам нещо и това си ти
    iskam neshto i tova si ti
    I want something and that is you
    тази нощ с мен бъди!
    tazi nosht s men bydi
    be with me this night

    Във очите ми блести,
    vyv ochite mi blesti
    it shines in my eyes
    под нозете ми гори,
    pod nozete mi gori
    it burns under my feet
    а сърцето ми шепти:
    a syrceto mi shepti
    and my heart whispering
    "Само с мене сега бъди!"
    samo s mene sega bydi
    be only with me now
    Last edited by velvet_sky; 07-18-2008 at 11:32 AM.
  2. Lyssa's Avatar

    Lyssa said:


    Merciii =D

    I will remember Elmaz =P

    now I understand the clip much better xD haha
  3. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    Pak zapovqdai
    You're welcome
    if you need something else just ask
  4. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    I added one more couplet, because I saw that I have missed it
    so now the whole song is here
  5. Lyssa's Avatar

    Lyssa said:


    I give you some rest with all my lyrics to translate LOL
    I'm trying to get some more basics in bulgarian^^

    nice the last couplet^^
  6. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    hehe ok hope you will get the basics in bg
    and as I saw that you wrote you will have a vacantion in Bulgaria, I wish you to have a great time here
  7. Lyssa's Avatar

    Lyssa said:


    hope so too I want to know what people are talking about when they think I can't understand haha XD no I enjoy learning new languages =)
    Thanks!! If there is enough sun it will be great^^