for anyone who may be interested, i've translated the song "un mundo raro" by Luis Miguel (it is one of the most beautiful spanish songs i have ever heard).

Cuando te hablen de amor
When they talk to you about love
Y de ilusiones
And illusions
Y te ofrezcan un sol
And offer you a sun
Y un cielo entero
And an entire sky
Si te acuerdas de mí
If you remember me
No me menciones
don’t mention me
Porque vas a sentir
Because you’ll feel
Amor del bueno
a beautiful love

Y si quieren saber
And if they want to know
De tu pasado
about your past
Es preciso decir una mentira,
you have to tell a lie
Dí que vienes de allá
Say you come from there
De un mundo raro,
from a strange world,
Que no sabes llorar,
that you don’t know how to cry,
Que no entiendes de amor
that you don’t understand love
Y que nunca has amado.
And that you’ve never loved.

Porque yo a donde voy,
Because where i’m going,
Hablaré de tu amor
i’ll speak about your love
Como un sueño dorado
Like a golden dream
Y olvidando el rencor
And forgetting the bitterness
No diré que tu adiós
I won’t say that your goodbye
Me volvio desgraciado.
made me unhappy.

Y si quieren saber
And if they want to know
De mi pasado,
about my past
Es preciso decir otra mentira,
i should tell another lie,
Les diré que llegué
I will tell them that I arrived
De un mundo raro,
from a strange world,
Que no sé del dolor,
that I do not know of pain,
Que triunfé en el amor
that i triumphed in love
Y que nunca he llorado
And that I have never cried