Hatem Al Iraky - Ghalta Hobbak [*]

Thread: Hatem Al Iraky - Ghalta Hobbak [*]

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  1. Zahra91h's Avatar

    Zahra91h said:

    Red face Hatem Al Iraky - Ghalta Hobbak [*]

    An old song of Hatem


    I hope it can be translated in english-and maybe with the arabic latin letters too B-)
  2. Zahra91h's Avatar

    Zahra91h said:


    lol nobody ?
  3. sohuda's Avatar

    sohuda said:


    غلطة حبك و غلطتها و انا اتحمل غلطتي
    ghalta 7obbak w ghla6et,ha w ana at7amal '3al6ty
    the misktake of your love, I made and I take the consequences
    حيل بيا و بعد خلها تحرق خدودي دمعتي
    7ail bya w ba3ad khlha t7reg khdody dam3ty
    I deserve this and let me tear burn my cheeks
    و بعد حيل عيوني يبجن بلكي تعبن من حسرتي
    w ba3ad 7ail 3youni ybchan blki t3ban men 7aserty

    يا روحي حيل بيج من يشيلج هل وقعتي
    ya rou7i 7ail beech men ysheelech hal wega3ty
    oh my soul you deserve this, if you fall who will carry you?
    عفتي كل الناس ليش و رحتي بعشق هال ظالم
    3efty kol el nas laish w re7ty b3eshg hal thalem
    you left all people and loved that cruel person

    انا الغلطان كل الصوج بيا
    ana el '3al6an kel el sooch byea
    It's my fault, I am to blame
    وانا اللي ورطت روحي بايديا
    w ana el wara6et rou7i beedaya
    and I got my soul involved in this, in my own hands
    غلطت و هذا ذنبي
    '3la6et w hatha thanby
    I made a mistake and this is my fault

    مشيت بغير دربي
    meshait b'3air darby
    I walked in a road that isn't mine
    انا استاهل عذاب و حيل بيا
    ana astahel 3athab w 7ail bya
    I deserve this torture
    انا الغلطان كل الصوج بيا
    ana el '3al6an kol el sooch bya
    It's my fault, I am to blame

    انا الغلطان من رجليا
    ana el '3al6an men rejlaya
    I'm to blame from head to toe
    اتا اللي خليت روحي تعيش باوهام
    ana el khalait rou7i t3eesh baawham
    I made my soul live in illusions
    حيل ويايا و الف حيل
    7ail bya w alf 7ail
    I deserve this a thousand times
    اقضي الليل بالويل
    agthey el lail bel wail
    I live nights in grief

    شكثر نصحوني منك ما اخذت راي
    shkether ts7oni menak ma akhathet ray
    How many warned me of you but I didn't take their opinion
    ركضت على السراب و جنت اظن ماي
    rekathet 3la sarab w chent athon may
    I ran to mirage thinking it was water

    ذهب عسبالي شفته
    thahab 3asbaly shefta
    I though I saw gold (I was fooled)
    بس غشني زماني
    bs '3ashny zemany
    but my time deceived me

    *sorry not all of the lyrics are written, but that's what I could write from listening to the song, hope it's ok
    The hours of pain have yielded good,
    Which prosperous days refused;
    As herbs, though scentless when entire,
    Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.
  4. Zahra91h's Avatar

    Zahra91h said:


    thank you a lot sohuda
  5. noona said:


    oh my god!! this is such a good song!!
    soo meaningful!!