Fadel Shaker - Weftara2na [*]

Thread: Fadel Shaker - Weftara2na [*]

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  1. Belle07 said:

    Default Fadel Shaker - Weftara2na [*]

    can anyone translate this song into english please?!
  2. sohuda's Avatar

    sohuda said:


    وافترقنا يوم اللي بعدنا احترقنا
    w eftara2na youm elly be3edna e7tara2na
    and we parted, the day we went away (from each other) we burned
    وافترقنا وكان الليل كان الليل حضنه سارقنا
    w eftara2na w kan el lail kan el lail 7odno sara2na
    and we parted and the night's arms (or lap) stole us away (means made us forget or unaware)
    بس الغرام فينا بقي مطرح ماكنا
    bs el gharam feena be2y matra7 makona
    but the love within stayed where we were
    نلتقي رجعنا بالصدفة مرقنا
    nelt2y rege3na belsodfa mara2na
    we meet by coincidence and we passed along
    فجآة وعي فينا الهوى رجعنا لماضينا سوا
    faj2a w3y feena el hawa reje3na lemadeena sawa
    suddenly passion within us awakened and we're back to our past together
    رجعنا بالماضي احترقنا وافترقنا وافترقنا آآآه
    reje3na bel mady e7tara2na w eftara2na w eftara2na ahh
    we're back in the past we burned and we parted and we parted ohhh
    فلينا وباقي بعينينا اشواق وحكي
    falayna w ba2y bee3ainaina ashoa2 w 7aky
    we ran away and in our eyes there's longing and words left
    ومن قسوة هالدنية علينا بكينا
    w men aswet hal denyee 3aliana bkeena el beeke
    and from the cruelty of this life on us we made the crying cry (for us)
    هيدا مش اول وداع علينا مرق
    hayda mesh awal wada3 3laina mara2
    this isn't the first farewell that passed us
    كم مرة هوانا ضاع منا وانسرق وافترقنا وافترقنا آآآآآآآه
    kam mara hawana da3 mena w ensara2 w eftara2na
    how many time did our love get lost from us and got stolen and we parted

    Hope it's clear enough for you
    The hours of pain have yielded good,
    Which prosperous days refused;
    As herbs, though scentless when entire,
    Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.
  3. Belle07 said:


    Wow Thank You SO Much! Such A Beautiful Song Thanks A Lot For Taking The Time 2 Translate !
  4. sohuda's Avatar

    sohuda said:


    you're welcome
    The hours of pain have yielded good,
    Which prosperous days refused;
    As herbs, though scentless when entire,
    Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.