Lyrics for Kollon Endhon Dabaabat!

Thread: Lyrics for Kollon Endhon Dabaabat!

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  1. filasteenpride said:

    Default Lyrics for Kollon Endhon Dabaabat!

    Can anyone help me with the translation and transliteration of Shadia Mansour's "kollon endhon dababaat?"

    Thank you!
  2. Gole Yas said:


    Sweetz im sorry all I could find was the one with DAM ..
    This is the link ..
    its kind of a remix to it ..
    if you can get the lyrics to the normal one I wont mind translating...

    To everyone out there.. this dedication goes to the people of Palestine .. May God give us ALL the will, the strength, and power for Victory !!!!
    Soon Enshalla Palestine.. soon!

    -- شادية منصور
    Shadya sings
    كلن عندن دبابات، واحنا عنا حجار
    Kilon 3indon dababat, wi7na 3ina 7jar
    They all have tanks, and we have rocks
    بيهدمو ببيوتنا بقتلوا بالاطفال
    Bihdmo bibyoutna, bi8atlo bil2a6fal
    They bring down our houses, and kill the children
    يا فلسطين الاحرار، يا اهل غزة الابطال
    Ya filis6een ela7rar, ya ahl ‘3aza el2ab6al
    Oh Palestine of the free, Oh heroes of Gaza
    الصهيوني جاي للنهار، طراخ طراخ طرااااخ...
    El9hyoni jay lilnhar, 6ra5 6ra5 6ra5
    The Zionists is coming.. Bang bang bang

    -- شادية منصور
    Shadya sings
    يا غزة الدم يا غزة الهم نشاركك أحزانك
    Ya ‘3azat eldam, ya ‘3azat elham, nsharkik a7zanik
    Oh Gaza of blood, Oh Gaza of worry, we’ss share your sorrow
    سنكمل كفاحك فلسطين، يا غرب الأسود
    Sanokmil kifa7ik filis6een, ya ‘3arb el2sood
    We will finish your struggle oh Palestine ...oh land of Lions
    أرضك لن لن بد ان تعود
    Ar’6ik lan lan bod an ta3ood
    you land has to come back, its inevitable
    يا ابطال المقاومة الفلسطينية بإيمانكم
    Ya ab6al elmo8awama alfilis6eeneya bi2iymanikom
    Oh heroes of the Palestinian resistance force
    ستشفلون عداءَ صهيونيا إرهابيا عنصريا فاشلا
    Satashfiloon 3ida2 9hyoneyan erhabeyan 3on9oreyan fashilan
    You will extinguish a Zionist terrorist racist failing hostility
    يا شهداء غزة الأبرار، يا من تحديتم العدو على خط النار
    Ya shohada2 ‘3aza elabrar, ya man ta7adaytom al3ado 3ala 5a6 elnar
    Oh Gaza’s righteous martyrs, you who have challenged the enemies on the line of fire
    ارواحكم سوف تكون رمز المنار، انتصاركم مكتوبة على كل جدار
    Arwa7ikom satakon ramz almanar.. enti9arakom maktoba 3ala kol jidar
    Your spirits will be the symbol of light, your triumph is writing on all the walls
    عاشت عا عا عاشت فلسطين، يا رؤساء وزعماة العرب بعدكم نايمين
    3ashat 3a 3a 3ashat filis6een, ya ro2asa2 o z3amat el3arab ba3dkom naymeen
    Long live Palestine, oh Arab leaders your still asleep
    أين أنتم، اين صوتكم يبني غضبا على هذه الحال؟؟؟
    Ayn antom, ayn 9awtikom yabni ‘3a’6aban 3ala hathihi el7aal?
    Where are you, where is your voice which fills all this with anger?

    -- شادية منصور
    Shadya sings
    كلن عندن دبابات، واحنا عنا حجار
    Kilon 3indon dababat, wi7na 3ina 7jar
    They all have tanks, and we have rocks
    بيهدمو ببيوتنا بقتلوا بالاطفال
    Bihdmo bibyoutna, bi8atlo bil2a6fal
    They bring down our houses, and kill the children
    يا فلسطين الاحرار، يا اهل غزة الابطال
    Ya filis6een ela7rar, ya ahl ‘3aza el2ab6al
    Oh Palestine of the free, Oh heroes of Gaza
    الصهيوني جاي للنهار، طراخ طراخ طرااااخ...
    El9hyoni jay lilnhar, 6ra5 6ra5 6ra5
    The Zionists is coming.. Bang bang bang

    -- محمود جريري
    Mahmood sings
    شو طلبنا من العالم؟ حق، إنصاف؟
    Sho 6lbna min el3aalam? 7a8? En9af?
    What did we ask of the world? Our right? Being fair?
    قام قابلنا فيه قصف ورد التجاهل
    8am 8abalna 8a9f orad eltajahol
    We were met by bombing, and being ignored
    ستين عام تحشروا هالشعب
    Siteen 3am ti7shiro hal sha3b
    For 60 years you cram up these citizens
    تتآمروا ع هالشعب، تقاتلو هالشعب
    Tit2amaron 3a halsha3b, t2atlo hal sha3b
    You conspire against them, you fight them
    تمثلو في هالشعب...
    Tmathlo fi halsha3b
    You do the unspeakable to them..
    والشعب شعب، والمحتل محتل
    Wilsha3b sha3b, wilmo7tal mo7tal
    The citizens are the citizens, and the conqueror is the conqueror
    قام العالم ساوى بين هالدم
    2am el3alam sawa bain haldam
    The world rose and put balance to the bloodshed
    أما عالم مختل...
    Ama 3alam mo5tal
    Oh what a deranged world
    بس التاريخ ما بشفي التاريخ بمحي
    Bas eltaree5 mabishfi, eltaree5 bim7ee
    But history does not heal.. history erases..
    وانا شايف هالتاريخ طريق برق عيون شعبي
    Wana shayef haltaree5 6aree8 bar8 3yoon sha3bi
    And I see this history, a path to the light in my citizens eyes
    يقولولنا قرار امم احترم منحترم
    Y2olonlna 8arar umam e7tirim, bini7tirim
    The tell us this is a nationwide decision respect it, so we respect
    يقولولهم قرار امم يقوم يحذف بالزبالة
    Y2olonlna 8arar umam y2om yi7thif bilzbala
    They tell us this is a nationwide decision, and they keep throwing around garbage
    تآخزوهوش سمعها رمم
    T2a5zohosh, simi3ha rimam
    Take no notice, all has been restored
    قيادات جبانة...
    8eyadat jabana
    O cowardice leadership..
    عايشة بعز والشعوب دايما عايشة بأهانة
    3aysha b3iz, wilsh3oob dayman 3aysha b2ehana
    Living in luxury.. and the citizens always live in insult
    هو عنده اسلحة للزوال وأحنا عنا اسلحة للبقاء
    Ho 3indo asli7a lilzawal, o e7na 3ina asli7a lilba8a2
    They have firearms for destruction, and we have firearms to stay/survive
    عنا حجار عنقدية، عنا إرادة نووية
    3ina 7jar 3in8deya, 3ina erada nawaweya
    We have rocks that blow up, we have a nuclear will
    وعنا عقول مسلحة بالقرار الشامل
    O 3ina 38ool msala7a bil8arar elshamil
    And we have minds that are determined to our comprehensive resolution
    قرار الشامل ينادي بالحرية...
    8arar shamil ynadi bil 7oreya
    A comprehensive resolution that calls out for freedom

    -- شادية منصور
    Shadya sings
    كلن عندن دبابات، واحنا عنا حجار
    Kilon 3indon dababat, wi7na 3ina 7jar
    They all have tanks, and we have rocks
    بيهدمو ببيوتنا بقتلوا بالاطفال
    Bihdmo bibyoutna, bi8atlo bil2a6fal
    They bring down our houses, and kill the children
    يا فلسطين الاحرار، يا اهل غزة الابطال
    Ya filis6een ela7rar, ya ahl ‘3aza el2ab6al
    Oh Palestine of the free, Oh heroes of Gaza
    الصهيوني جاي للنهار، طراخ طراخ طرااااخ...
    El9hyoni jay lilnhar, 6ra5 6ra5 6ra5
    The Zionists is coming.. Bang bang bang

    -- سهيل نفار
    Suhail sing
    كلهم عندهم دبابات
    Kilhom 3indhom dababat
    They all have tanks
    كلهم عندهم هيليكوبترات
    Kilhom 3indhom halikoptarat
    They all have helicopters
    وانا كل اللي بايدي
    Wana kol eli beidi
    And all I have in my hands
    كل اللي بايدي هو الحق
    Kol eli beidi howa el7a8
    All whats in my hands is whats right/the truth
    شعرهم شاب
    Sha3rhom shab
    Their hair has gone white
    السواد بأفكارهم هاب فساد
    Elsawad b2afkarhom hab, fasad
    The blackness of their hair has gone from their thoughts... corruption
    وقع بالقلب فا وقعو بحب الارهاب
    Wi8i3 bil2alb, fa w83o b7ob elerhab
    Fell in their hearts (the corruption), and they fell in love with terrorism
    بيعاملونا كسرطان عندهم بالقلب
    Bi3amlona kasara6an 3inhom bil2alb
    They treat us as if we are cancer in their hearts
    ايديهم مش قادرة تسلم لانه اصابيعهم عالفرد
    Eidhom mish 2adra tsalim l2ano a9abe3hom 3al fard
    Their hands cant salute/greet because their fingers are on the firearm
    يا ابن العرة كلنا غزة ام العزة
    Yabn el3ara, kolina ‘3aza, um el3iza
    Oh son of dirt, we are all Gaza, the mother of pride
    ناس زي كل الناس في احساس
    Nas zay kol elnas fi e7sas
    We are people like all others, we feel
    مش حماس ولا عباس
    Mosh 7amas wala 3abas
    We are not “Hamas” nor are we anyone else
    لما شفت غزة انا شفت حالي
    Lama shoft ‘3aza ana shoft 7ali
    When I saw Gaza I saw myself
    شفت اطفال تتيتم انا يضلهم على اهلي
    Shoft a6fal titayam ana y’6lhom 3ala ahli
    I saw children being orphaned, I point them to my family* (not sure bout this line)
    اطفال تموت وانا ابكي افتش على ولادي
    A6fal tmot wana abki afatish 3ala wladi
    Children die, and I cry, searching for my children
    شفت نساوين تلطم فا حضنت اختي
    Shift nasaween til6im fa 7’6nit e5ti
    I saw women grieving, and I hugged my sister
    استشهدت مع اللي استشهدو لاني شفت اخرتي
    Estash-hadat ma3a eli estash-hado la2ni shoft a5irti
    She passed away with all other, I saw my end
    ولما شفت المقاومة انا كنت بدي، كنت بدي
    O lama shoft elmo8awya, ana kont bidi, kont bidi
    And when I saw the resistance force I wanted to,, I wanted to..
    بس واقعي نصحني اتجه...لألمي
    Bas wa83i ni9i7ni atajih.. l2alami
    But my reality adviced me to turn to my pain

    -- شادية منصور
    Shadya sings
    كلن عندن دبابات، واحنا عنا حجار
    Kilon 3indon dababat, wi7na 3ina 7jar
    They all have tanks, and we have rocks
    بيهدمو ببيوتنا بقتلوا بالاطفال
    Bihdmo bibyoutna, bi8atlo bil2a6fal
    They bring down our houses, and kill the children
    يا فلسطين الاحرار، يا اهل غزة الابطال
    Ya filis6een ela7rar, ya ahl ‘3aza el2ab6al
    Oh Palestine of the free, Oh heroes of Gaza
    الصهيوني جاي للنهار، طراخ طراخ طرااااخ...
    El9hyoni jay lilnhar, 6ra5 6ra5 6ra5
    The Zionists is coming.. Bang bang bang

    -- تامر نفار
    Tamer sings
    نبدى من الآخر اختلاف شاسع بيننا وبينهم
    Nibdi min el2a5er e5telaf shasi3 baina o bainhom
    Lets get to the point, it’s all a big difference between us and them
    انا عاجز ادافع عن نفسي وبالنسبة الهم
    Ana 3ajiz adafi3 3an nafsi o bilnisba elhom
    I cant defend myself.. and when it comes to them
    ساحة الحرب لعبة نينتيندو
    Sa7at el7arb li3bat nintindo
    The battle field is like a Nintendo game
    شايفيننا نقط، مالي اسم انا رقم بي عداد جثث
    Shayfina no8a6, mali esm ana ra8m bi 3adad jothath
    They see us as dots, I have no name, just a number, holding the death counts
    ثقة باريدوها كدفاع عن النفس
    Thi8a beiredoha kadifa3 3an elnafs
    Confidence they need, as self defense
    هل هذا غباء أم استعلاء
    Hal hatha ‘3aba2 am este3la2
    Is this stupidity or self ego
    والله مالي نفس اعبر عن رأيي
    Wala mali nafs a3abir 3an ra2ye
    I swear I don’t even feel like expressing myself
    بلاش يسدقو انهم ديموقراطية غير محطة
    Balash yesad2o enhom dimo8ra6eya ‘3air 7a6a
    Theres no need for them to think that they are a clean democracy
    زعيم عربي بخطب، غير الحطة
    Za3eem 3arabi bi56ib, ‘3ayar el7a6a
    An Arabic leader gives out a speech, and changed the strategy
    الي بسمعني بفكر انو كان لي توقعات
    Eli bisma3ni bifakar eno kan li tawa8o3at
    Who hears me will think that I have expectations..
    عشو متعجب
    3asho mit3ajib
    What are you surprised about
    باليوم اللي فيه زعمائنا ببدو ياخدو موقف
    Bilyoum eli feh z3ama2na bibdo ya5etho maw8if
    In the day that our leaders start to take a stand..
    ببدا استقوي
    Bibda asta8wi
    Ill start to strengthen up
    اول مرة شعب الشارع مغلول
    Awal mara sha3b elshari3 ma’3lool
    It’s the first time that I see the street citizen whos crippled
    واقف بيتظاهر وانتو عالكرسي قاعدين مين المشلول؟؟؟
    Wa2if biyit’6ahar winto 3al korsi 8a3deen, meen elmashlol
    Is standing in a demonstration, and your sitting on your chairs, now who’s crippled!
    شو اقول؟ الله يساعد غزة وبكرا يساعدنا
    Sho a2ol? Allah esa3id ‘3aza o bokra yesa3idna
    What do I say? God help Gaza, and help us too
    شو اقول؟ لو اطفالي يابا ماحدش وقف جنبنا
    Sho a2ol? Lo a6fali yaba ma7adish wa2af janbina
    What do I say? If these are my children and no one is standing with us
    يا قائد العرب جاهزة، يا بتعتزل يا بتنتسها
    Ya 8a2ed el3arab jahza, ya biti3tizil ya bitintis-ha
    Oh leader of Arabs.. you either make a move, or retire
    في فراغ سياسي ومطلوب فحل صاحب كاريزما
    Fi fara’3 syasi o ma6loob fa7l 9a7ib karizma
    we have a political vacancy, in need of someone with karizma

    -- شادية منصور
    Shadya sings
    كلن عندن دبابات، واحنا عنا حجار
    Kilon 3indon dababat, wi7na 3ina 7jar
    They all have tanks, and we have rocks
  3. filasteenpride said:


    You're amazing. Thank you so much Gole Yas. I love your solidarity!! I'm with Students for Justice in Palestine at NYU, you wouldn't happen to live in NYC would you?
  4. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Gole Yas salem idayki il7ilween!! O tislam timik il7ilo!! Ya rab inshallah <3 <3

    Quote Originally Posted by filasteenpride View Post
    You're amazing. Thank you so much Gole Yas. I love your solidarity!! I'm with Students for Justice in Palestine at NYU, you wouldn't happen to live in NYC would you?
    Wooooahhh in NYU? Thats amazing God knows Americans need some unbiased media!! Keep up your good work
  5. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Gole, just a few things I understood differently

    Quote Originally Posted by Gole Yas View Post
    الصهيوني جاي للنهار، طراخ طراخ طرااااخ...
    El9hyoni jay lilnhar, 6ra5 6ra5 6ra5
    The Zionists is coming.. Bang bang bang
    jayilo inhar - i.e Their end is coming soon

    Quote Originally Posted by Gole Yas View Post
    أين أنتم، اين صوتكم يبني غضبا على هذه الحال؟؟؟
    Ayn antom, ayn 9awtikom yabni ‘3a’6aban 3ala hathihi el7aal?
    Where are you, where is your voice which fills all this with anger?
    Where are you, where is your voice filled with anger at this state?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gole Yas View Post
    يقولولهم قرار امم يقوم يحذف بالزبالة
    Y2olonlna 8arar umam y2om yi7thif bilzbala
    They tell us this is a nationwide decision, and they keep throwing around garbage
    They tell them its a U.N decision, they start throwing around garbage
    (them refers to the Zionists )

    Quote Originally Posted by Gole Yas View Post
    السواد بأفكارهم هاب فساد
    Elsawad b2afkarhom hab, fasad
    The blackness of their hair has gone from their thoughts... corruption
    The blackness of their thoughts resulted in corruption

    Quote Originally Posted by Gole Yas View Post
    مش حماس ولا عباس
    Mosh 7amas wala 3abas
    We are not “Hamas” nor are we anyone else
    We are not 'Hamas' nor are we 'Abbas'
    Abbas is the leader of the Fatah government

    Quote Originally Posted by Gole Yas View Post
    استشهدت مع اللي استشهدو لاني شفت اخرتي
    Estash-hadat ma3a eli estash-hado la2ni shoft a5irti
    She passed away with all other, I saw my end
    I was martyred with those that were martyred because I say my end

    Quote Originally Posted by Gole Yas View Post
    بلاش يسدقو انهم ديموقراطية غير محطة
    Balash yesad2o enhom dimo8ra6eya ‘3air 7a6a
    Theres no need for them to think that they are a clean democracy
    زعيم عربي بخطب، غير الحطة
    Za3eem 3arabi bi56ib, ‘3ayar el7a6a
    An Arabic leader gives out a speech, and changed the strategy
    Theres no need for them to think they are a democracy, change the channel
    An Arabic leader gives out a speech, change the 7ata (Scarf)

    Quote Originally Posted by Gole Yas View Post
    في فراغ سياسي ومطلوب فحل صاحب كاريزما
    Fi fara’3 syasi o ma6loob fa7l 9a7ib karizma
    we have a political vacancy, in need of someone with karizma
    Just a spelling mistake charimsa

    Salem idayki hayati
  6. Gole Yas said:


    @fialsteenpride: no sweets i live in the middle east .. a little island called Bahrain =P and it was my pleasure in helping

    @viva: hahhahaha .. tislamili enti 3ala the corrections babe (K) .. i did my best .. its so long =O

    hehe .. enjoy people