Conversation Between lailahayati and Eso

  1. Eso's Avatar

    Eso said:
    ramadan kareem liliya .. thanks dear and i hope u the same
  2. lailahayati's Avatar

    lailahayati said:
    ramadan kareem ya Eso! May u be blessed by the love of Allah! And be guided by Him in all that u do!!!!!
  3. Eso's Avatar

    Eso said:
    thanks ..kol sana wenty tayba lailah
  4. lailahayati's Avatar

    lailahayati said:
    3aid el aD7a sa3ed ya Sa7be, kolle sana wenta tayyeb
  5. Eso's Avatar

    Eso said:
    laila check pm now
  6. Eso's Avatar

    Eso said:

    وانتى بخير وبالف صحه وسلامه
    كل سنه وانتى طيبه
  7. lailahayati's Avatar

    lailahayati said:
    عيد الفطر سعيد كل عام وانت بخير
    أتمنى لك الصحه و السعاده

    الله يسلمك
  8. Eso's Avatar

    Eso said:
    thanks dear and u too
  9. lailahayati's Avatar

    lailahayati said:
    RamaDaan kareem ya Eslam!!! Let it be accepted by Allah your fasting and prayers,might be fulfilled all your good wishes ! May God grant you all peace and Allah welfare of both worlds! May God grant you and your families health and happiness! And may it be welfare, peace and tranquility in our beloved country. Peace to you and blessing of Allah!
  10. Eso's Avatar

    Eso said:
    شكرا ليلى
    وكل سنه وانتى طيبه