Conversation Between i'm little one and velvet_sky
velvet_sky said:
10-11-2011 02:10 PM
Hey there, sorry I am not on skype so often, however I added you and wrote to you, but I guess you were not there
i'm little one said:
09-30-2011 09:09 AM
heyyy and where r u in Skype??:-))
velvet_sky said:
08-24-2011 02:13 PM
Hey, hey
nice to hear from u
well, I am also doing fine, everyday learning smth new about spanish, just lovely
yeah, sure u can ask me whatever u want, as far as I can help u i am always there
what is ur skype name? 
i'm little one said:
08-22-2011 01:54 PM
hey,Temi :-)
im ok,workin and workin and i forgot about this forum for some time but now decided to come)))
what about u?
Yeah i wish to learn Spanish and its great that u learnin it too,so if i have some questions ill ask u)))
so tell me do u have skype?if yes add me,coz ispend a lot of time there)))
velvet_sky said:
07-22-2011 02:01 AM
Hey little
)) How are you? We haven't seen each other for like ages! I really do miss those time when everybody used to post something here on the forum. I guess everybody is kinda busy now
How have you been? I saw you want to learn Spanish? I am currently doing this, Spanish is so lovely language, I love it!
In this connection, we may change some experience or even we may practice with you, hehe
Greetings, and hope you're doing fine
i'm little one said:
03-24-2010 10:53 AM
Again Lambe
i'm little one said:
03-21-2010 10:32 AM
thanks a lot Temi
i didnt know about that program but if its possible ill find it
velvet_sky said:
03-21-2010 09:31 AM
I did a search, but I didn't find anything :[ sorry.... I guess you can try to download a program for making karaoke and the original mp3 you can convert it into a karaoke (music only) but you have to search for a program, because I don't know one
i'm little one said:
03-21-2010 03:15 AM
ok ill wait
thanks God i could download his album
come to our thread about his lyrics
velvet_sky said:
03-21-2010 02:27 AM
I don't know an exact site or something for karaoke, but I will try to find something on Google, and If I find something I will let you know