Conversation Between ShadowLeeSharp and Frankie Jasmine

  1. Frankie Jasmine's Avatar

    Frankie Jasmine said:
    Shadow, dear, are you okay? :l
  2. Frankie Jasmine's Avatar

    Frankie Jasmine said:
    Yoo-hoooo! Shadow, where are you??? 'member me???
  3. Frankie Jasmine's Avatar

    Frankie Jasmine said:
    Missin' ya too, darlin'. Take care. Don't ever feel alone. So many people here are truly attached to you!!! Yes! We are!

  4. ShadowLeeSharp's Avatar

    ShadowLeeSharp said:
    Lol that's Funthetic(: (idk what in the world it means but it's awesome!)
    I miss you(((: I MISS YOU D:

    And, the worlds gotten out??
  5. Frankie Jasmine's Avatar

    Frankie Jasmine said:
    SH-SH-SH-SHadowLeeSharp!! How are you? So nice to see you---the word's gotten out that you're around again. Don't be such a stranger. We "lack" ya! (That's Kentucky-speak for "like," spelled phonetically!)
  6. Frankie Jasmine's Avatar

    Frankie Jasmine said:
    Hi, sweetie! Posted to you on Cafe' Shadow. And a "new" person did also--well, at least it's someone I've not seen before! Good to "see" you again!
  7. Frankie Jasmine's Avatar

    Frankie Jasmine said:

    Post #1271 ...

  8. Frankie Jasmine's Avatar

    Frankie Jasmine said:
    NNnaaawwW! I miss YOU more!! Hahaha! So good to hear from you personally, because I've really missed you. Did you hear about Paul Orhan?
  9. ShadowLeeSharp's Avatar

    ShadowLeeSharp said:
    FRANKIE!!: I MISS Y'ALL MORE!! How are you lately big sister? N I'll try my best to keep outta trouble don't you worry tee hee hee!!
  10. Frankie Jasmine's Avatar

    Frankie Jasmine said:
    SHADOWY: We miss you! Take care. Keep out of trouble, and hurry back to us soon!!