Conversation Between Evanescent and amaryn

  1. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
    Hey, Evanescent. Bad behaviour Where are u,lol? Swallowed by the Dishonourable Miss Always In A Hurry?
  2. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
    : gia sou! How's life IOW ti kaneis stin Ellada?
  3. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
    If you wanna know more about me: have a look at Maviiis Late Night Show, Evanescent Feel free to ask questions!
  4. Evanescent's Avatar

    Evanescent said:
    Hehe, I have no idea really. But there must be some
  5. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
    Is it possible there are herbss I don't know? I know a lot, but humbly admit one never knows, besides: FRESH herbs makes all the difference
  6. Evanescent's Avatar

    Evanescent said:
    Haha ... I am sure you would like it. Can get all the herbs you might think about, know or do not know
  7. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
    Jordania looks fascinating to me. Should put it on my "shopping list" I'd like to see Amman... And I need lots of fresh herbs. Way back I got them from Oman and Abu Dhabi, I love visiting soukhs...
    Our home here will be looking like a parcel next year as they start renovating the outer walls and windows. We want to flee if possible!
  8. Evanescent's Avatar

    Evanescent said:
    Been at Egypt a lot, but never to Tunisia & now for the first time, Morocco.
  9. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
    No, I know more about Egypt and Tunisia. Marocco is a popular touristplace for Finns and it has wonderful tea and coffee! Don't miss it!
  10. Evanescent's Avatar

    Evanescent said:
    Morocco. Hehe, do not know if as much as you, but I do not like it much when it has to do with business