Conversation Between ciofi66 and amaryn

  1. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
    Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! What's your subject you study? Hope all will go well for you. Where do you study?
  2. ciofi66's Avatar

    ciofi66 said:
    hei there, haven't been here for a while started university, everything's about you?
  3. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
    Ciao, Ciofi! Awaiting your news, I never give up,ye know
  4. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
    Ciao, Cio, como sta? Sono molto curioso .....
  5. ciofi66's Avatar

    ciofi66 said:
    hei there, happy new year amaryn! yeah lets keep in touch no farsi for now..I lost the persian spirit sadly..I study in Torino..what are you doing now? still travelling a lot all over the world? bisous
  6. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
    New Year is here, CIO!! May it bring you what you want Keep in touch! How'zz Farsi going? And where in Italy do you study? I am often In Roma.
  7. ciofi66's Avatar

    ciofi66 said:
    hello amaryyyyyn so happy to hear from you!!! I'm fine now, just recovered from a flu, now I have to return to school -____- yak I didn't miss it. I've too much to study this about you azizam? working hard as always I guess right? ^_^ <3
  8. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
    Asr bekheyr, Ciofi! Khoobi? Che khabar, azizam?
  9. ciofi66's Avatar

    ciofi66 said:
    Asr bekheir! Man khoobam ,mersi...Va shoma?.. Well at the moment I don't have a real plan now how to go on with farsi...I saw a course I could do here in Italy but I don't have that much time nor the money, this last schoolyear is freakin' sipping up all my energies...-__- great...we really have to study all day so I don't really have a motivation to study else even if it's something I'm personally interested in...Tell me about you
  10. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
    Hi there! Farsi It has begun? I am wrestling with it! But: It is fascinating me So: Chetori?