I think you're the troublemaker here! :P
I think you're the troublemaker here! :P
I've put the sort of blueprints to the song on it's called unworthy
And yes you trouble
Oooh, I'm excited to read it Let me know when you have it posted!
Me, trouble? Never
Hi there I am constantly busy haha but just started a new song which il post later hope your well and keeping out of trouble haha
Hey stranger! How's it been? Still staying busy I assume!
Oh the possibilities are endless! I'm sure the words will come to you
Thank you my friend! I'll be sure to read when you post again
Haha it's just so much work which seems endless lol
That's good I'm trying to restart writing just don't know what to write about lol
Il have a read of your new stuff now
Ah story of my life! School and work is all I do :P I've been better about trying to write as of late though, so that's a nice change
Hi there yer it's been ages. Things have been ok just been so snowed under with dissertation writing and uni stuff lol how are things with you ??
Long time, no talk! How's it been?