Conversation Between HomeGrownProduction and MiT

  1. MiT's Avatar

    MiT said:
    nice to know ... and for me it will take many days to complete reading everything you have written lol XD cuz I'm lil lazy when it comes to reading XD... till now I have read some and ..I got a suggestion .... you write good verse but I guess you need to add chorus also in your writings just a thought... maybe adding chorus will add more beauty to your lyrics ....
  2. MiT's Avatar

    MiT said:
    hi! man... howz u doing?
    my semester exams over and as planned now I'll be going through all those stuffs u have written whenever I get time ... earlier I was busy with stuffs so had read just some and felt you write good ...
  3. MiT's Avatar

    MiT said:
    hmmm.... love what u r doing .... I love reading lyrics in my free times .... and you've written so much !... cool... keep up the good work
  4. MiT's Avatar

    MiT said:
    thanks for adding me as ur frnd .... its awesome man... you have written all that lyrics by yourself.... I see a person with a great mind ... dunno how you do it .... what you are doing is really amazing ... wonder if you are a lyrics writer for someone ?