Conversation Between basso and Pattmoreira
Pattmoreira said:
01-09-2012 10:17 AM
Hello hello how've you been?
basso said:
11-29-2011 07:19 PM
It is now...8:19 pm Tuesday evening..All is well!..LOL
Pattmoreira said:
11-28-2011 04:29 PM
plus 5hours here. it's 22:28. huhuuu, seems far
basso said:
11-28-2011 03:35 PM
Pattmoreira said:
11-28-2011 12:56 PM
ahaha, such a curious thing! I'm finally getting better. hope you stay well soon naaaaiii, it sounds good. i really like the greek language. it's lovely. what time is there now?
basso said:
11-28-2011 12:34 PM
Im fine ty. I did wake up this morning with the beginnings of a cold as well. So!!..I guess i will take my own advice. and yes,portokali does sound somewhat..exotic...doesnt it?..
Pattmoreira said:
11-27-2011 01:57 PM
oh, no problem, at all! i love the word orange in greek. it seems "portugal" how've you been?
basso said:
11-27-2011 08:28 AM
oops!..sorry! said:..."yes, its the season for illness especially colds. Soon it will be my turn. You should eat chicken soup and drink orange juice. It will do you good"........I apologize to you for that!
Pattmoreira said:
11-26-2011 06:09 PM
That was too much for my greek knowledge :$
basso said:
11-26-2011 01:41 PM
Ναι, ειναι η εποχη για αρροωστια!...ιδιατερα μια κρυολογιμα. Συντομα, θα ειναι η σειρα μου! Να φας κοτοσουπα και πιες χυμος του πορτακαλιου. θα σου κανει καλο.