Conversation Between _SBU and Anonymity
_SBU said:
01-28-2017 12:25 PM
Hi. Yeah I tend to write separate sections and go back and forth expanding on them and interlinking where possible. When I've written about 2/3rds of the content I move parts about to try and give it a more cohesive structure. As for content I like to use situational references, ie. referencing whoever the other person recently battled, or else name-flips etc, and more generic stuff just as filler for the rhyme schemes. If I'm out of ideas I find scrabble helper websites can be good for wordplay based name-flips; you can search for words containing (starting or finishing with) their name or a shortened version of it, and then scan the results for any that sound like the name and another word in sequence and can be used for wordplay.
Anonymity said:
01-15-2017 03:53 PM
Just wanted to ask you, what is your approach to battle rapping or rhyming in general? I'm not asking to replicate your style but more or less how do you manage to think about what is going to be wrote, or is it more like you write out a couplet then revisit the idea to generate more topic related couplets... If that makes sense