Conversation Between natasha.andreeva and al_habibi

  1. al_habibi's Avatar

    al_habibi said:
    Hey,how have you been?
    I work with my dad into textile Industry.,retailing..
  2. natasha.andreeva's Avatar

    natasha.andreeva said:
    Some people would say good or bad, but I say that it is wonderful.
    Well, going out, going to High School and etc. What about you?
  3. al_habibi's Avatar

    al_habibi said: hows life out there and what do ya do,mademoiselle
  4. natasha.andreeva's Avatar

    natasha.andreeva said:
    We have our own language - Serbian. It is similar to Russian.
  5. al_habibi's Avatar

    al_habibi said:
    Nice but i dont know which language do they speak there,umm...?!
  6. natasha.andreeva's Avatar

    natasha.andreeva said:
  7. al_habibi's Avatar

    al_habibi said:
    Hi..natasha ,where are you from?