Conversation Between Tania15 and StripedSweater
StripedSweater said:
02-06-2013 09:17 PM
I can't say I'm a country fan lol but I like mumford and sons. Taylor swift isn't a favorite of mine but I can't argue that she is an AMAZING lyricist!
Tania15 said:
02-06-2013 12:12 PM
I'm more into county music. I like The cave by Momford and sons, What are words by Chris Medina,but my fav songs change really often. I'm also a Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran fan.
StripedSweater said:
02-05-2013 06:37 PM
My favorite songs at the moments are Little Secrets by Passion pit and Heart It Races by Architecture in Helsinki. Yours?
Tania15 said:
02-05-2013 07:50 AM
I'm great! What are your favorite songs?
StripedSweater said:
02-04-2013 10:44 PM
I'm great! How are you???
Tania15 said:
02-04-2013 12:17 PM