Conversation Between Satisfaction and CZAREK2581

  1. CZAREK2581's Avatar

    CZAREK2581 said:
    Ok I will choose of of this film and I will try to do a transcript ,then i will let you know
    and we will do all needed corrections

    Thank you for your help

  2. Satisfaction's Avatar

    Satisfaction said:
    hi sry didn't see ur post
    i really don't like arabic TV series too much drama and hard to see regularly but i like el kbeer awy (Egyptian comic TV series a7mad meky)
    4 Movies
    (a7mad meki): la tarago3 wala esteslam, teer enta
    (a7mad 7elmy): alf mabrook, keda reda, asef 3ala el ez3ag, 3asal eswed
    2w2at fara3'
    u can ask if u need anything