Conversation Between cathera and aksios

  1. aksios's Avatar

    aksios said:
    Thank you so much for your kind words, I am glad if I could do something for you, too and make you pleased with any help. And though I haven't been around for a long time, it makes me happy to see such a message and feel that there is someone who doesn't forget even an old help and still appreciate it after months. Thanks a lot, stay with happiness!
  2. cathera's Avatar

    cathera said:
    Just a quick note to say - I love this site and it has been very helpful to me!! It is a shame to find that some members are very unpleasant - lyriccibaba has replied to one of my posts saying that she can help but she doesn't care - this sort of member is such a shame because you share precious and helpful information for so many of us who love your language skills and appreciete your help! This person should keep their comments to themselves and let the nice people talk to each other in the atmosphere that your site generates - a good, happy, sharing atmospere!!

    Love to you all, you are a great representation of a beautiful language!!
  3. cathera's Avatar

    cathera said:
    If you are there I would be really greatful for your help and your excellent understanding of the turkish and english languages - I have posted "Please please help - can yücel - ozledim seni", It sounds beautiful from what I understand, can you please lutfen please help?