Conversation Between Gustaw and dragonfly93

  1. dragonfly93's Avatar

    dragonfly93 said:
    Cześć, Gustaw! Haven't heard from you in a long time, and you don't seem to come here often, if at all anymore... But I'd like to drop by and say hello, and that I'm still at the very basics in Polish--you made a very good teacher, and it's a shame you're not around here any more than I am... I came back to look up something in Polish, actually...
  2. dragonfly93's Avatar

    dragonfly93 said:
    Ohhh imi pare rau, nu am vazut mesajul tau pe aici pana acum!!

    Deci vrei sa invati limba finlandeza?
  3. dragonfly93's Avatar

    dragonfly93 said:
    Bună, ai MSN sau Yahoo?