Conversation Between ellenatr and lovely_leslie_2006

  1. lovely_leslie_2006's Avatar

    lovely_leslie_2006 said:
    i'm iranian!
  2. ellenatr's Avatar

    ellenatr said:
    heyy..thx 4 the correction. i didnt pay attention to it. but then again, i wrote it a long time ago. cool. btw where r u from??
  3. lovely_leslie_2006's Avatar

    lovely_leslie_2006 said:
    this is wrong as an adj
    16 YeArS oLd TuRkIsH gIrL wHo ♥LoVeS ♥ eVeRyThInG GrEeK ♥....;P
    it should be 16year-old turkish girl. btw enchante,i'm 16 too!