Conversation Between sohuda and amaryn
amaryn said:
04-20-2012 02:56 PM
Huda!! Are u alive??? What's up there, eh?
amaryn said:
12-15-2011 12:08 AM
Dropping by to ask how you are doing...Give Uzz a Buzz, will you?
amaryn said:
11-05-2011 02:28 AM
Huda! Studying hard? How'zz life been the past few months(!!!). Thinking of you
sohuda said:
09-09-2011 08:05 AM
oh that's good, about the weather that is..
so what have you been up to these days?
amaryn said:
09-09-2011 02:10 AM
My eyesight is as bad as -18, that's why they operate. Outside it's luckily still +17 degrees
IMO = in my opinion
Thanks for wishing me well!
sohuda said:
09-08-2011 05:43 PM
-18? wow it's still Sept
so you're planning to do an operation? salamat: that is an expression we use when someone is sick or has a health problem which means hope you get well
what does IMO mean?
amaryn said:
09-08-2011 04:40 PM
a frosty temp as -18, to tell ye the truth. Unnoticable as I have lenses, but in 2 years blind without operation
So : insallah indeed, Huda!
Nice u still have some time for yourself IMO!
sohuda said:
09-08-2011 12:37 PM
ohh my eyes aren't better than yours I've started wearing glasses a month or so ago, I have -0.75 shortage in each eye, what about yours?
I've been on holidays all Ramadan and I'm starting college on the 24th of this month so I still have some time inshallah
amaryn said:
08-04-2011 12:49 AM
Huda, ciao&salam! how'zz U doing as we sy in bad english PS:Can I borrow your eyes for a while without rent?
amaryn said:
07-15-2011 06:57 AM
Huda, I was in Amsterdam - and came back already after 8 days. It always fascinates me to be there. Beautiful as it is, lived in a small hotel in the oldest quarter of town, along a canal in a house of the 15th century. Unthinkable here
Now it is back to normal here, awaiting better weather and a gig on July 23. Nothing too bad , but my eyesight is in trouble and
I wonder what results will be on next tuesday Take care!