Conversation Between Katie13 and 2dark4light

  1. Katie13's Avatar

    Katie13 said:
    Haha, thanks :P So do I!
  2. 2dark4light's Avatar

    2dark4light said:

    hope all goes well with your exams!

    like your new picture lolz

  3. 2dark4light's Avatar

    2dark4light said:
    also check out the thread on ARMOR OF CHAINS - THE KNIGHT OF DARKENED LIGHT, which is specifically about Drewth in that first book

  4. 2dark4light's Avatar

    2dark4light said:
    welcome - enjoy

    I'd appreciate any review you could leave afterwards.

    I've also started constructing a website and I have to get all my illustrations up there. here:!

    I should get some stuff up this week...

  5. Katie13's Avatar

    Katie13 said:
    Oooh, cool Thank you!!
  6. 2dark4light's Avatar

    2dark4light said:
    I don't know if you got my message, but for the first book, Knight of Darkened Light, it's here:

    I couldn't upload illustrations with the ebook, but you could buy it in print if you want, which is also on that page - a link anyway.

    I'm mid putting together a website for the illustrations of this book and updates on future ones, etc.. to make up for the ebook upload problem...
