Conversation Between Katie13 and ShadowLeeSharp
Katie13 said:
06-13-2011 05:10 AM
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I didn't forget, honest! :P
You ate my ninja carrots??!! :O Oh, well, now I'm offended!!
And where have you gone? I just got here!! Sheesh... :P
ShadowLeeSharp said:
06-11-2011 12:55 PM
Awh so that means yu forgot about me -3-. Swell.
Oh, you don't have to say thank you because I've already ate them no way out now xD
N ive disappeared too so don't worry!
Katie13 said:
06-10-2011 05:44 AM
Heya Liv!!
I'm sorry for disappearing, little sister...
I was doing exams, I got distracted!! I'm ashamed... but still!! :P
I'm back now, though, had my last exam yesterday! Let's get to it!
Thanks for the ninja carrots
Katie xx
ShadowLeeSharp said:
06-08-2011 12:16 PM
Katie my big sister heyyy :0 !
I miss you!! don't you understand that your one of the specialist ones here? And your lyrics are totally amazing that my mind literally essplodes cause of how clever you are with your writing? Huh?!
How are you?? Again, I MISS YAH!
*gives you baby ninja carrots in my memory*
With love~ Livviana