Conversation Between Eccer and Frankie Jasmine
Eccer said:
06-03-2014 08:38 AM
Frankie Jasmine said:
11-02-2013 07:50 PM
Eccer, have not yet checked out the other poetry site you mentioned, nor have I critiqued your poem as I said I would. Still, letting you know I haven't forgotten either; neither have I forgotten about you!
Eccer said:
10-14-2013 04:58 AM
Forgot the link, here it is!
Eccer said:
10-14-2013 04:44 AM
Thanks for this positive reaction
Frankie if you got time! I would like to introduce you to this other site I'm writing on. This site has been there for a long long time, and is considered (imo) the epitome of songwriting/lyrics site. Why am I mentioning this? Well, because I think you would fit in there quite perfectly! And not to mention it is a place to study and become better. Gosh, if you even knew the talent that place inhabits there... just take a look on the front site now
And you'll know what I mean. Carmel just posted a poetry there, it's called "north". And that's just a small fraction of poetry that makes makes your jaw drop. The best part about it all, it's just a side portion of the forum
Beginner or expert, everyone can post there and expect a review because of the fluent rules. Forgive me if I sound too advertising here xD But I only want to show this so more people can join it, and I think you would be a valuable asset over there
Frankie Jasmine said:
10-10-2013 10:43 PM
Another comment given to "Her Name."
Frankie Jasmine said:
10-07-2013 06:14 PM
"Her Name" -- truly excellent!
Eccer said:
10-02-2013 01:00 PM
Hello frankie, I made quite a strange one a little while ago. Was wondering what you would say about that! "where the quarters lit of green" did also some improvements to it today which is why I was wondering. That is, if you got the time
Frankie Jasmine said:
08-31-2013 12:54 AM
For your post to my wall:
Eccer said:
08-29-2013 12:16 AM
Thank you, for always giving people such respect and great insight. Good to see you back roaming abouts! And please, take the time you need with it
Frankie Jasmine said:
08-26-2013 09:58 PM
"The Thespian Oars" . . . I will come back to when my eyes are not so blurry from being up too late! Thank you...
P.S. I love the first several lines!