Conversation Between desert rose and amaryn
amaryn said:
01-27-2013 07:12 AM
Trying too!
It ain't easy, mostly I sing in our kitchen, but I write a lot of poems and songs at the moment and that's very positive,lol
I sincerely hope you're managing well and indeed flourish like a desert rose should
Nice to hear from you too!
desert rose said:
01-27-2013 05:27 AM
This desert rose..each of her veils a secret promise
Yes, they do!
Hi dear amaryn, very nice to hear from you! Been a long time..I'm trying to do okay..:| hbu?!
amaryn said:
01-26-2013 09:41 AM
In the desert flourish roses. Beautiful thought. Can roses speak apart from their wonderful odour?
IOW: how r u?
amaryn said:
01-13-2012 03:44 AM
desert rose said:
01-10-2012 01:50 PM
amaryn said:
01-09-2012 03:30 AM

Thanks shukran, merci, ta, kiitos, tack, tesekkür ederim, spasiba!<3
desert rose said:
01-08-2012 02:59 PM
Thank you!Happy New year too you too!May the best of you past be the worst of your future!
amaryn said:
12-31-2011 11:12 AM
Happy New Year, darlinkkkkkk!!!!
Nothing but friendship, love and everything you need to make your life the way you want it to be<<3<3<3
How r u?
desert rose said:
11-15-2011 11:21 AM
London business school. Are you on fb?
amaryn said:
11-11-2011 05:32 PM
Great analysis, lol
Yep, maybe the ship is sinking, luckily I am a good swimmer, depends how far of the coast the ship sinks of course
What sort of university prepares you for that job of yours? Where did you study?
Take care!