Conversation Between amaryn and Pattmoreira
amaryn said:
08-01-2017 09:55 AM
hello Miss Kindness, the receptionista. I read yourmessage... Maybe I join instagram soon, I am only on this anotherone and the latter one with my 2 blogs (art and poetry) keep me very busy already! IfI join instagram: where to find you?
Enjoy your (here cold there hot I suppose) summer and hope to hear from you soon!
amaryn said:
06-06-2017 12:16 PM
Had to make room for you asmy pm was overbooked, Mrs Kindness. But this much I can say: as long as life treats youkindlyyou are on the winning side!
amaryn said:
05-11-2017 08:39 AM
Hello mis kindness!😎winter is not quite over yet here and I'd long to go to Portugali. All of march I was in Sain after are you doing? Beijos❤
Pattmoreira said:
03-14-2017 04:05 PM
So nice to hear from you! <3 Sending you a pm, right now!
amaryn said:
02-03-2017 03:24 AM
the year 2017 has begun quietly, but there's a change coming up as next week I'm travelling partly and March should provide mewith warmer weather elsewhere, eventhough we have a socalled "warm winter" (0C most of the time that is and hardly any snow). Obviously you are working again or - still, and I hope things go well for you.
Facebook I can't stand, a million selfies and 2much blabla,so I'd rather find you're email again and post there ifyou're here 2 seldom. Big kisses 

Pattmoreira said:
01-21-2017 06:11 PM
Big kiss to mr kindness <3
Pattmoreira said:
11-13-2016 01:24 PM
Oh, and still in PT
Pattmoreira said:
11-13-2016 01:22 PM
Sorryyy my dear friend <3 you know, I've been away from here... but online on facebook and checking my email everyday. How have YOU been? <3
I'm working at a restaurant now, but i'm free on the weekends. At least until the end of the year. Then I hope the luck will find me.
amaryn said:
11-01-2016 03:29 PM
obviously Mrs Kindly is too busy at this moment. Or i she?
amaryn said:
09-27-2016 04:10 PM
MISS KINDLY!!! Remember: you're unforgettably unforgotten