Conversation Between Oblivion1991 and LyricsAngel

  1. Oblivion1991's Avatar

    Oblivion1991 said:
    hey okay. Firstly I'll tell you a little about myself so you know all about who your writing a song with

    My name is Piers White and I currently live in England. I am 19 years old and I have lived in England for most of my life. I am originally from New Zealand. I currently study Sport science and the most prestigious sports college in England... Hartpury College. I am a singer/songwriter/musician and Dancer.

    To make writing the song easier you can add me on msn
  2. LyricsAngel's Avatar

    LyricsAngel said:
    First. sorry for replying so late.
    Second, I'd love to write a song with you
  3. Oblivion1991's Avatar

    Oblivion1991 said:
    Hey i've been reading your songs and I very much like them and apprieciate them being a songwriter too
    I was wondering if you would like to collaberate on a song or two because I am very keen to and I feel duo like me and you could blossom

    wb x