Conversation Between basso and amaryn

  1. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
    Basso....... Pou is, agori mou?
  2. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
    Great you're still around,boy, I hope indeed the music is keeping you fit and busy: Let's have your news a bit more often, shall we?
  3. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
    you are alive????Wooooooooowwww. Nice to hear from you, buddy
  4. basso's Avatar

    basso said:
    Hello my friend. All is well here, the music is good thx. How are you doing these days?
  5. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
    Basso! Forgotten about us, you-..... What's up, Busy Turtle?
  6. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
    Hi Basso, thought I forgot you? No way! How's the music?
  7. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
    Ela, Basso! Busy bee, maybe????
  8. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
    I never sit,lol, I couldn't sing properly and it's most important to me!
  9. basso's Avatar

    basso said:
    It depends how tired i mostly i stand though!'s a better position for the body. Sitting and playing at times can cramp you all up.
  10. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
    Hahaha, a short guitar? It feels like that to me with my acoustic Alhambras when standing while playing I never sit, do you?