Conversation Between Doug Denslowe and amaryn
amaryn said:
02-03-2017 03:39 AM
Flobro! Thanx for your emails.Much appreciated

amaryn said:
08-05-2016 04:01 AM
FLOBRO! What the heck? I have relistened to all the vids you sent me and WOW, I can't get enough, they SWING! How 's the news?
Doug Denslowe said:
04-06-2016 12:17 AM
I'll email you as soon as I get back from walking.I promise.
amaryn said:
04-03-2016 01:15 PM
Dougie Doogie Doo, hi Flobro, I have seen many pics of wonderful SF : great place for walking... How izz life doing?
amaryn said:
01-30-2016 04:15 PM
Yup the beat goes on indeed. I often feel like skipping newspapers, TV, media altogether, but then there are some fine people I can only meet through social media- even met some of them- and that's why Flobro we're still here!
Te place would be definitely poorer without you.
Doug Denslowe said:
01-18-2016 03:40 AM
The thing is this;it really doesn't matter who the president is,nothing really changes.If you need a politician in office to make your life work,it's not working.Ive stopped reading the newspapers and I don't miss it one little bit.The world going spin around regardless of my outlook or opinion.And the beat goes on...............
amaryn said:
01-12-2016 04:22 PM
dougg, yes, in our group it was jealousy that finally made the crack complete. They threw me out, boycotted me for 10 years and the guy who set the rest up against me admitted he'd been a clown on his deathbed. Great, such things! Totally frustrating and wasted energy. Okay, I know to maintain my own story, so never mind, but I was enraged, believe me. This story came to an end 8 years ago, so, not to worry, Flobro! Still not managed to come to SF, and now you got this *sshole Trump trying to take over. My god, you need a revolution there. Keep in touch with the Dutch,lol!
Doug Denslowe said:
12-24-2015 02:35 AM
I believe I sent you a few little "hellos".No,not playing for any Christmas parties.You know how bands are;always on the verge of breaking up.Well,there's one guy,an important one,that continues to threaten to quit.Its a full time job just getting him to hang around.Ill write you a more detailed letter,you just never know.............happy holidays,happy whatever you celebrate or don't celebrate.Me,nothing different,just the change in the weather..............
amaryn said:
12-22-2015 11:33 AM
douggggggg, how is SF my Flobro? Doing any concerts at Xmastime? Hopefiully no Xmasdrags... Take care
amaryn said:
12-04-2015 03:53 PM
Hi Doug! Awaiting this Fab email of you- and hearing news of SF from my Flobro, would of course be Heaven,LOL!