Conversation Between jandros and amaryn
amaryn said:
03-16-2012 03:35 PM
Where'zz the Magic Wolf hanging out these days? Not given up, I hope. If you have, be a gent and admit!
amaryn said:
01-07-2012 08:16 AM
2012..... has the year kicked of a bit better, John?
Best wishes to ye!
amaryn said:
12-23-2011 06:12 PM
Have a good and quiet Christmas, you Song of Silence
Meet ye next year!
amaryn said:
12-02-2011 07:43 AM
waiting is noble, waiting is difficult, waiting is painfull, but we're still here for you, Jandros!
amaryn said:
11-15-2011 03:51 AM
as time ticks I am sure you'll make it, the photo says it all: sturdy man, sturdy
amaryn said:
11-07-2011 04:01 AM

Patience means now understanding, Jandros, and time will tell!
amaryn said:
11-05-2011 03:32 AM
Not giving up, are you? That would be too bad, really
amaryn said:
10-24-2011 07:43 AM
Always on my mind, John. Take care!
amaryn said:
09-20-2011 11:47 AM
Always thinking, how you are doing, John. Hope your life gets back on track again. Patience is needed on both sides obviously
amaryn said:
09-06-2011 01:40 AM

So goooooooooooooooooooooooooooood to hear from you, my boy!
See you soon then. Take care!