Conversation Between marigold11 and amaryn
amaryn said:
04-16-2013 10:50 AM
Still love your Venice picture. Have u read the Donna Leone detectives playing in Venezia? It's also an excellent series on TV, strangely enough in German (with subtitles
amaryn said:
01-03-2013 04:55 AM
Hi, Marigold!
Thank you, and may you have a great year yourself
I hope you are doing fine!
Aidee shoma mobarak, is that correct?
marigold11 said:
01-02-2013 02:51 PM
hello,its late but Happy new year,all good wishes for your coming year
amaryn said:
12-07-2012 04:08 PM
Have a look at my poems and tell me what you think on the Poetry thread,lol
Never enough opinions and I truely appreciate it.
Noone looks and moves forward without opinions, good or bad, it doesn't matter: always fruitful
marigold11 said:
12-03-2012 04:21 PM
im fine,thanks.hope this problem solve one day,why jobless?what do you do?but it wasnt that bad i think you can rest and start again also you are writing poems so thats great,wish you good luck...
amaryn said:
12-03-2012 04:10 PM
Great you can now, Marigold
I know about these troubles. In Dubai they start a conference now about that with representatives of very many countries. It is a difficult item
I hope you are allright, of course, have good health and enjoy your life. Tell me something about it
I have been jobless since two weeks, economy sucks, but I write poetry (poetry thread) and sing at home, here in our kitchen.
Keep smiling, believe in tomorrow, baby
marigold11 said:
12-03-2012 04:05 PM
hi,i saw your message now,how are you?this site is filter here so i couldnt open it
amaryn said:
10-01-2012 03:26 PM
It's been a mystery to me where you are, my Venetian Mary Gold. How'zz your summer been<3?
amaryn said:
08-17-2011 06:05 AM
How r u, Marigold? Chetori? So nice to be in Venice with you. Imagine: us in the gondola looking at all that beauty around us!
Luckily the threads to learn your language have returned here on Forum too.
I would have missed them dearly
marigold11 said:
07-18-2011 08:37 PM
hi,im fine little busy with you were on trip,i didnt know.hope you enjoyed was so hot some days ago.once i asked you about your music but i think you didnt see my like my avatar(thanks)i think you like venezia so much.(me too),have nice time