View Profile: Debeaux
curiosity_kills_the_cat said:
07-04-2013 12:35 AM
Hello Beaux, how are things generally?
amaryn said:
06-03-2013 02:28 PM
Debeaux, I am awaiting to see if your lyrics reappear.... "Innocence Lost"- good you put it there again. Thanks!
Doug Denslowe said:
05-29-2013 07:10 PM
Why did you delete all your songs?
curiosity_kills_the_cat said:
04-13-2013 04:09 AM
"Guitarman", lol. & y'all know who that is.
curiosity_kills_the_cat said:
04-13-2013 04:06 AM
'Giutarman' makes me jealous
(Wanted to see "Innocence Lost" too, that's why i'm here to petition you)
amaryn said:
04-06-2013 01:40 PM
amaryn said:
02-26-2013 03:48 AM
you're obviously having a break. Tell me when you're back
amaryn said:
02-07-2013 02:22 PM
You deleted Innocence Lost" May I ask what's the reason, Debeaux or are you rewriting it maybe?
amaryn said:
01-31-2013 03:56 PM
Hey Debeaux! Want to join the workshop of Star? Look on my wall, you'll see the Group and just click to start joining songwriters (songs in progress). It would be nice to have you and a real honour too
Johnb31 said:
01-27-2013 05:51 PM
Hey you have to go to edit post and then click go advanced and no problem. Thank you for posting.
Basic Information
About Debeaux
Male, single
Just about anything to do with the outdoors
Factory Worker
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Last Activity
05-28-2013 02:44 AM
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2 Friends
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