View Profile: curiosity_kills_the_cat
amaryn said:
08-01-2017 09:01 AM
AAAAHHHH, how good to hear from you. Life is smiling, just terribly cold summer and I fled to Spain for that, haha! I am on long holidays and gigs Ido only occasionally here and there. Hope you feel goodin the meantime.
amaryn said:
06-06-2017 11:12 AM
Hi Curiosity! Nice to see you hear! Wow, Abba - and thank youfor the music... I am doing studiowork this week. How are you?Have to catch upwith you soon enough.
amaryn said:
04-03-2016 12:23 PM
isn't that a fourcat quartet called Abba, dear Curiosity? Comment ca va dans ta vie?
amaryn said:
12-04-2015 02:48 PM
Tataaaa, as the saying goes. Yes, this is a sympathetic Forum, a bit off the Big Brothers /Sisters and thus me too I have decided to maintain contact with my best of friends here. Are you in Africa right now?
Kerri Faye Yates said:
12-01-2015 07:21 PM
How is life my dear friend?!
amaryn said:
11-24-2015 02:24 PM
Hi there, you're deadright. It'd be nice to hear from you! <3
amaryn said:
08-24-2015 09:43 AM
you are as rare a bird as I am these days here. Summer busted with activities, now it's slowing down and sept should be easier. Keep in touch <33!
amaryn said:
06-30-2015 05:54 AM
First an answer here, as I have to empty part of my mailbox I understand. Great to hear from you. hat is it you're doing these days? I'd like to know. I have given in to pressure to stop hunting gigs and take life more easy.I do a lot of blogging, writing, arranging and singing (mostly at home right now) Life is good. Soon off for a rowing trip elsewhere to blow my mind. Take care!
amaryn said:
01-15-2015 02:50 PM
Hi! hw'zz life? send me a ltter on pm pls, <333 Take good care.
Doug Denslowe said:
11-11-2014 03:29 PM
I've been playing,every so often,with my friends from yesteryear.Hopefully we'll be playing this week,but these guys are so far away etc.etc.etc.If anything happens,I'll le you know.Maybe you can book us in your part of the world!Be cool........I know you can!
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About curiosity_kills_the_cat
Female, French language enthusiast.
Lagos, Nigeria
Poetry,Listening to Music, Baking,Traveling,and learning languages.
Baker, Listener& Lawyer.
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