View Profile: jessie zuppo
amaryn said:
02-01-2015 07:35 AM
where'zz the Lady Jessie these days????
amaryn said:
10-29-2014 06:48 AM
Jessie!!! What's up, DOC? Let's have your news! It would be so good to hear from you.
amaryn said:
08-29-2014 03:32 PM
Hi Jessie!! Remember you're not forgotten, Jess. I am always looking if you're online!
Take care....
amaryn said:
04-28-2014 11:24 AM
Hi Jessy, forgive me for being absent right now. I return next week, as from saturday I have no gigs untill july- most likely. I hope that things are going well for you! Be good
amaryn said:
03-18-2014 02:19 AM
Ooooh- I wrote you a very long pm and it seemed to have got lost... I can't revive it, so later I write a new one, but for now:
no, I am hardly ever offended, only if people bully me and yes, I am a songwriter and professional performer (guitar+vocals), always been and all the rest I shall tell you on pm later .
Take care, Jessie!
Doug Denslowe said:
03-12-2014 07:58 PM
I used to "ask" people to comment on my songs........No More!I'm no longer invested in this site......too much "take and no give"!I used to encourage as many folks as possible,then I write something........nothing!I say "Bye-Bye"!!!
BackInBlack said:
03-12-2014 01:09 PM
Sure. I'd be more than happy to check all of them out when I get time. I've been really busy and I'm not done yet. That's why it's taken me so long to reply. Sorry.
amaryn said:
03-12-2014 03:59 AM
amaryn said:
03-07-2014 04:59 AM
Hi Jessie!! What does your world look like now as spring is approaching?
amaryn said:
03-07-2014 04:32 AM
Hi Jessie!! What does your world look like now as spring is approaching?
Basic Information
About jessie zuppo
I am a single mom, a college student and an aspiring therapist for young children. I have a passion for writing poetry, letting my inner Goddess out, meditating, laughing, and living in the moment! I also enjoy fitness and exercise, catching a good flick, silly reality TV shows, true crime shows and savoring a nice cup of coffee.
San Francisco
Writing poetry and freelance mental health articles, hip hop dancing, and music
full time mom/student
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