View Profile: Pattmoreira
amaryn said:
08-01-2017 09:55 AM
hello Miss Kindness, the receptionista. I read yourmessage... Maybe I join instagram soon, I am only on this anotherone and the latter one with my 2 blogs (art and poetry) keep me very busy already! IfI join instagram: where to find you?
Enjoy your (here cold there hot I suppose) summer and hope to hear from you soon!
amaryn said:
06-06-2017 12:16 PM
Had to make room for you asmy pm was overbooked, Mrs Kindness. But this much I can say: as long as life treats youkindlyyou are on the winning side!
amaryn said:
05-11-2017 08:39 AM
Hello mis kindness!😎winter is not quite over yet here and I'd long to go to Portugali. All of march I was in Sain after are you doing? Beijos❤
amaryn said:
02-03-2017 03:24 AM
the year 2017 has begun quietly, but there's a change coming up as next week I'm travelling partly and March should provide mewith warmer weather elsewhere, eventhough we have a socalled "warm winter" (0C most of the time that is and hardly any snow). Obviously you are working again or - still, and I hope things go well for you.
Facebook I can't stand, a million selfies and 2much blabla,so I'd rather find you're email again and post there ifyou're here 2 seldom. Big kisses 

amaryn said:
11-01-2016 03:29 PM
obviously Mrs Kindly is too busy at this moment. Or i she?
amaryn said:
09-27-2016 04:10 PM
MISS KINDLY!!! Remember: you're unforgettably unforgotten

amaryn said:
08-18-2016 03:32 PM
in the meantime still awaiting... manha de carneval singing on a gig today in honour of you
amaryn said:
08-05-2016 06:57 AM
good grief, where's my Miss Friendliness?? Portugal shaping up? Returned to Switzerland? Oh...every time I sing in Portuguese I think of you, no kidding! It's been a while, mademoiselle, and news would be appreciated. Even no news is news after all

Pattmoreira said:
04-05-2016 07:33 PM
Nope, nothing new for now. Great to know you're busy! Busy is always good
Kiss kiss
amaryn said:
04-03-2016 01:18 PM

I have missed you here a great deal. Life has been busy in studios and working. Winter has just flown by...
Any news from Portugal? Besinhos <333
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About Pattmoreira
«Αν με ζητήσει κανείς
δεν υπάρχω εγώ γίναμε ένα να πεις.
Μέσα σου χάθηκα πια
απ’ το λίγο που ζω ας πνιγώ στα βαθιά.
Αν με ζητήσει κανείς
θάλασσα σώσε με κάτι να βρεις να τους πεις.»
music, literature, languages, travelling.
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