View Profile: Cheerblondie231
amaryn said:
03-20-2011 05:59 AM
Cheerblondie's back!!!! So am I, you little star at our horizon, what kept you so long busy???? I have in the meantime been three weeks in Thailand and now I am back here welcoming you back.
Pleezzze, Blondie, gizzze sign of life, dear!
Sienna said:
02-25-2011 02:06 AM
It has been so long my dear!!!
Where have you been!!!!!!
How are you!!!
I need to know all!!!
Big kisses!!!!
LILAusty said:
01-27-2011 12:25 PM
amaryn said:
12-16-2010 02:26 AM
Also, Blondie, meinst Du wir mögen dich nicht,oder? Jetzt raus aus der Flimmerkiste und melde dich bitte
Sienna said:
11-18-2010 02:00 AM
Where have you disappeared??!!!
amaryn said:
11-14-2010 04:13 AM
BLONDIE?????? Your friends are missing you!!!!!!
amaryn said:
11-10-2010 03:07 AM
Wo steckst du denn, Cheerblondie? Bist du auf Tournee,lol?
amaryn said:
11-05-2010 02:47 AM
Cheerblondie, hallo, Du: wie geht's dir? Machst du jetzt nach Haloween eine Rap pause?
amaryn said:
10-27-2010 04:50 AM
Hallo Du, mir geht's super! Du, hast du vor ein Haloween party zu organisieren irgendwie? Es ist doch fast soweit
Sienna said:
10-26-2010 11:06 AM
Ja klar aber mein freund will test me for sure (can't speak in the futur yet)
I love reading german
Home is sweet and warm.. Mom is cooking, dad is telling jokes, bro is playing piano and sister is out... I like home!!!!
what are you doing on your side of the world? I am realizing how far we are from each other! Umöglich
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About Cheerblondie231
you see the pic
A place that takes away your life
Graduating High School in DEC of 2010
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03-07-2011 03:59 PM
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