View Profile: gunsofarsenal
avan said:
09-24-2011 04:26 AM
yo brah..this is freestylr rap and we have no stoppin once we start,
So get your tight butt on..its time fo some real crap.
Tyler6270 said:
11-18-2010 06:55 PM
Bro.. I know it's not for rich kids, I'm not rich lol. I was saying that to be sarcastic because anyone who has heard of Akron knows it isn't for rich kids... The place I know for rich kids is like Jackson Township. I don't drive bro I just walk around, I promised one of my buds about a year younger than me I would wait for him to get his temps so we could do drivers ed together. I do have game night man every single day. My favorite game is totally sorry. And your right, me typing this to you is taking up all my time. I have to go eat brunch now, and I don't live in Akron anymore just an F.Y.I.
Molotova said:
11-09-2010 05:59 PM
I have no little gang, when it comes to battling, we'll all battle each other and see who's the best, it's just obvious that some people out there DO respect my ability to lyrically kick xss. I swear I have never reported any of your battles, what I just did report was the private message you sent me earlier today. As I said, I didn't even read it 'cuz apparently it was full of shxt. I really don't feel threatened by you in any kind of way, you're just really getting on my nerves thinking you've got rapping skills, and it frustrates me because it's not face to face. I'd love to battle you live.
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06-24-2011 06:55 PM
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