View Profile: Frankie Jasmine
Zakynthos said:
02-27-2016 11:07 AM
Hey, how are you?
amaryn said:
12-04-2015 03:52 PM
Doug Denslowe said:
11-28-2015 06:31 PM
I haven't been on Facebook in forever.It no longer interests the least.Ive been watching Jessica Jones on Netflix,maybe you might like it as well.A female private detective with super strength,you know,a superhero without a costume.She drinks and has loose morals,for a comic book character.Just like I like them!
feuersteve said:
11-12-2015 09:49 PM
Yes, thank you, she's almost back to normal.
feuersteve said:
11-07-2015 10:22 PM
Been pretty good considering. My wife had lost a lot of weight and was very weak. When she went to get checked out, they found a pretty good size tumor on her kidney, they took the kidney out and there doesn't appear to be any cancer anywhere right now. I think I'm a cat and I'm on my eighth life. A truck slammed into us while stopped during rush hour about 2 weeks ago and took out about 6 cars and trucks. I was #3 in line. My pickup was totaled but I only had a sore back, like a real bad back spasm. The pain is almost gone now. Overall we've been pretty lucky.
I'm glad seems are better for you.
feuersteve said:
11-06-2015 11:04 PM
Hey Kiddo, how have you been?
Doug Denslowe said:
11-06-2015 10:11 PM
I usually don't come to this site unless I get an email saying one of the songs/poems I've commented on is up for replies etc.Yes,we never did a friend exchange on this site,but I'll accept your invitation.Everything is going well for me and I'm glad you're still around and doing what you do.See you in the replies,Doug.
amaryn said:
10-20-2015 04:43 AM
Hi Frankie! Yes, of course I'll let you know, when/if poetry is being published. I met a publisher in Amsterdam 2 months ago, but things move slowly, although she wants to help me going ahead. Writing has been very active and I must say also haiku I have practiced a lot. My box here on Forum has been overfilled, must empty it and send you mail! So happy to hear from you. Bless you!

JJCory3 said:
10-16-2015 04:40 PM
I'm doing quite well, thanks! Trying to find time to write, but life's been getting in the way
No complaints though, I'll find the time soon enough.
amaryn said:
10-13-2015 03:57 PM
too good to be true, Frankie! Check yes, plz do & I'll wait fot your news eagerly. Too long no news at all!!!
Basic Information
About Frankie Jasmine
A current strong interest in Turkey and its people, since I learned of the wonderful singer, BARIS AKARSU, my favorite (R.I.P.). Love English grammar; intrigued by language(s), cultures, architecture, and some history. Enjoy reading, study of the holy scriptures; good movies (especially classics); and the arts (nearly all--painting, music, theatre, photography). Appreciate aesthetics--color, texture, design, touch, sound, smell, taste, and things in general, which touch the heart. Play piano (not well), sing (a little better), travel, photography, scrapbook making, compose poetry especially in "dark" times; hand-color "stained-glass coloring books" for relaxation and the pleasure of working with color; hand-create period costumes for dolls. Like making things with my hands in solitude (various--cross-stitch, embroidery, crewel-work; fabric; coloring; jewelry-making; creating something out of little items, pieces, stuff). Expressing myself in writing; Collecting: Rock, shells, petrified coral; making binders of various topics, things I find interesting. Love the water--being by the ocean, by and in lakes, rivers, streams, as well other aspects of nature and animals. Used to frequently slolam water-ski, snow ski, hike; but not so often now. I choose to "laze" in the sun and water!! And did I mention reading??? ...I love people.
Travel, English, other cultures, & lanugages. Music--all kinds. Favorite singer: BARIS AKARSU.
Volunteer Bible ministry & bible studies/Time is mine, except for the everyday-necessities of life.
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