Imi traduceti si mie imnul dinamovist, va rog?

Thread: Imi traduceti si mie imnul dinamovist, va rog?

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  1. Pinkie_smile said:

    Default Imi traduceti si mie imnul dinamovist, va rog?

    Din Romana in Engleza, Am o colega caruia ii place imnul si as vrea sa-l traduc pentru ea.

    Multumesc Mult!
  2. dya said:


    Presupun ca pe asta-l vrea

    Faceti loc, vin cainii rosii...---Make space(clear the way), the red dogs are coming
    Frati de sange si onoare...--Brothers in blood and honour
    Faceti loc, vin cainii rosii...---Clear the way, the red dogs are coming
    Trupa din Stefan cel Mare.---The troop from Stefan cel Mare

    Fie vreme buna, fie vreme rea--(No matter if it's) good weather or bad weather ( May it be good weather or bad weather)
    Caini pana la moarte si dincolo de ea--( We are/will be) Dogs till death and beyond it
    Fie vreme buna, fie vreme rea----(No matter if it's) good weather or bad weather
    Caini pana la moarte si dincolo de ea--Dogs till death and beyond it

    O echipa glorioasa...--A glorious team
    Galerie cu renume...--Renowned gallery (supporters)
    Facem impreuna casa... We make (good) house together ( we make a good team together)
    Colt de cer si colt de lume.-- Corner of sky and corner of world( meaning: our "house" it's our corner/part of the sky and of the world)

    Noi avem in noi putere...-- We have power inside of us
    Lacrimi, zambet si vointa...--Tears, smile and will ( meaning strong will to succeed)
    Singura noastra avere...--Our only fortune ( wealth/ possesion)
    Toti o singura fiinta.--All(of us) only one being

    Refrenul este acelasi, nu l-am mai scris de 10 ori.

    Ii explici tu semnificatia termenului "caini" si ce inseamna "Stefan cel Mare" in contextul echipei Dinamo.
  3. mister Xazos's Avatar

    mister Xazos said:


    Cine sare este CÎINE hei ! Hei ! Hei !
    Dinamooo ! Dinamooo ! Dinamooo !

    Cîine pînă la moarte şi dincolo de ea !

    Πάρε φιλιά, πάρε καρδιά και μη νοιαστείς για μένα.
    Πάρε ό,τι ζει κι άσε με εκεί
    μόνο στο τίποτα...
  4. dya said:
