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Thread: Bulgarian chit-chat off topic PART 3 (1,165 Replies, 192,615 Views) by tedinkyyy
Е*ати.. тоя АТЛ съвсем запустя -.-
Thread: Bulgarian chit-chat off topic PART 3 (1,165 Replies, 192,615 Views) by tedinkyyy
Hey.. still nobody here?
Thread: Руслана (Ukrainian to English) (1 Replies, 989 Views) by tedinkyyy
Heyy I just found that version of Wild dances and I enjoy it soo much :p
I didn't see it translated, so can sb please? :)
Напевно, даремно
Була я надто чемна
Шиді риді дай шиді риді дана
Thread: Румина - Жестоко / BG--> SR (requested) (3 Replies, 1,505 Views) by tedinkyyy
lol Баш занимљиво, брате.. значи, ти си мање више и наш, а :) Пуно поздрава из Бугарске онда.. :)
Thread: Румина - Жестоко / BG--> SR (requested) (3 Replies, 1,505 Views) by tedinkyyy
Очите казват ми.Разбирам,разбира
Очи ми кажу "Разумем, разуме.."
Да лъжеш не умееш ти,нали така?!?
Не умеш лагати, зар не?
Дори отвътре да умирам,умирам.
Макар да умирем,умирем унутра у себи
Thread: Румънеца, Енчев и Емануела - Данък любов (6 Replies, 4,188 Views) by tedinkyyy
Пробаћу, брате! :)
Thread: Румънеца, Енчев и Емануела - Данък любов (6 Replies, 4,188 Views) by tedinkyyy
трябва и мъж като гаджето на Гала.
- needs a man like Gala's boyfriend (I don't know who's Gala nor who's her boyfriend)
Мм, мисля,че единствената Гала, която може да бъде, е водещата на "На кафе"...
Thread: Emanuela - Vsichko Se Vrushta | Емануела - Всичко се връща (2 Replies, 2,724 Views) by tedinkyyy
Емануела - Всичко се връща
Emanuela - What goes around comes around
Запомни,че всичко се връща
Remember, what goes around, comes around
всичко се връща ...
what goes around, comes around..
Thread: Bulgarian chit-chat off topic PART 3 (1,165 Replies, 192,615 Views) by tedinkyyy
How are your studies going?
Thread: Bulgarian chit-chat off topic PART 3 (1,165 Replies, 192,615 Views) by tedinkyyy
wow, Matt!!! How are you guy? Haven't heard anything from you for ages :))))
Well, I'm sorry I haven't seen that song but I'm surprised you are still interested in Malina and Bulgarian music :)
Thread: Bulgarian chit-chat off topic PART 3 (1,165 Replies, 192,615 Views) by tedinkyyy
Hey.. where have all you gone? :D
Thread: Elena Paparizou - Tou erwta to aima (1 Replies, 2,570 Views) by tedinkyyy
Οι λέξεις πια δε μου εξηγούν
την αλήθεια μου πολύ την αδικούν
μα τώρα σπάω τη σιωπή
για να πω ξανά πως σ΄αγαπώ πολύ
Και ούτε ξέρω εγώ γιατί σε τρόμαξα
τι έχω κάνει που σ΄έχει κάνει
να φεύγεις...
Thread: Serbian Word Game (130 Replies, 55,786 Views) by tedinkyyy
they mean the same thing but obitelj is in Croatian language and porodica is in Serbian language :)
Thread: Antique - Alli mia fora (to eng) (1 Replies, 2,006 Views) by tedinkyyy
Hey I love that song for ages but I've never searched for the translation of the text... I guess it may have already been translated here but still I couldn't find it anywhere.. sb help me?
Thread: hi people [help request :( ] (19 Replies, 18,210 Views) by tedinkyyy
at sofia uni? :)
Thread: hi people [help request :( ] (19 Replies, 18,210 Views) by tedinkyyy
where are u studying? and where are you from? :)
Thread: Learning Macedonian language - учиме македонскиот јазик (278 Replies, 128,105 Views) by tedinkyyy
I've seen that word "звезда" written like that: "ѕвезда" :) How should be read the second one?
Thread: Hello from Bulgaria (24 Replies, 6,385 Views) by tedinkyyy
Хехе,като гледам,ти вече не си от най-новите,но имах предвид, в този форум за "представянето" ;) Отдавна не бях чела заглавие "Hello from Bulgaria" :)
Thread: Bulgarian chit-chat off topic PART 3 (1,165 Replies, 192,615 Views) by tedinkyyy
Наистина възкресе!
Mmm I was absent really :o but now let's say I'm back...
Happy Easters guys! :)
Anything new with ya?
Thread: Natasa Bekvalac - Dve u meni. (16 Replies, 7,813 Views) by tedinkyyy
Primetila sam također da Hrvati imaju tako meko l, skoro kao u Španjolskom i Talijanskom, srpsko l je tvrđe, a bugarsko i makedonsko najtvrđe :)
Thread: Hello from Bulgaria (24 Replies, 6,385 Views) by tedinkyyy
Здрасти, Поли ;) Отдавна не се беше появявал някой нов "наш" тук :)
Thread: Natasa Bekvalac - Dve u meni. (16 Replies, 7,813 Views) by tedinkyyy
Čakavski mi se čini bliži standartnog hrvatskog, taj kajkavski je veoma drugačiji, pokušala sam zamislit kako će zvučiti (ili bolje kako bu zvučau lol) i mislim, zvučit će zaista bliže slovenskog......
Thread: Natasa Bekvalac - Dve u meni. (16 Replies, 7,813 Views) by tedinkyyy
I can mention (cuz now i'm reading a book in Serbian but a lot of Zagreb's dialect expressions are used there cuz it's partly situated in Zagreb too) that the "kajkavian" dialect as it seems, spoken...
Thread: Lana Jurčević - Pronađi me (Translatre to English) (4 Replies, 2,024 Views) by tedinkyyy
Mm i wondered between find and discover :)
well in that case I really can't get what's the difference between "nađi" and "pronađi" :S
Thread: Lana Jurčević - Pronađi me (Translatre to English) (4 Replies, 2,024 Views) by tedinkyyy
Discover me
Ponekad se čini da sam te već znala
sometimes it seems that i've already known you
Prije nego sam se rodila,
even before the time I was born
Iako te nisam upoznala
Though I still...
Thread: Bulgarian chit-chat off topic PART 3 (1,165 Replies, 192,615 Views) by tedinkyyy
I didin't mean those ones xD I liked the "normaL' songs from that period ... I don't see any difference between "oh banana ah banana" and " brzo li govorq bejbe ili bavno slushash ti" -.-
Thread: Bulgarian chit-chat off topic PART 3 (1,165 Replies, 192,615 Views) by tedinkyyy
I think the nowadays songs are a greater crap .. actually I love those from 1999-2000 :p
Thread: Serbian /Croatian chit-chat off topic discussions (618 Replies, 166,793 Views) by tedinkyyy
Jeste -.- ja nisam bila njen fan takodje, cak mi je bila antipaticna, ali ipak.. ni ona nije zasluzila takvu smrt ... nek pociva u miru ...
Thread: Serbian /Croatian chit-chat off topic discussions (618 Replies, 166,793 Views) by tedinkyyy
Jao, jeste li culi da je Xenia bila ubita O_o :/
Thread: toni storaro-otlichen(find lyrics and translate please) (47 Replies, 32,475 Views) by tedinkyyy
съгласен съм - slazem se [jeste]
скъпо - skupo [jeste]
евтино - jeftino [jeste]
храна - hrana //akcenаt je na drugo a "hran`a" ;)
напитки - pice napitka* je jedno pice.. napitki je mnogo pica...
Thread: Bulgarian chit-chat off topic PART 3 (1,165 Replies, 192,615 Views) by tedinkyyy
well hun it's better for all that you confessed it. :)
Thread: Bulgarian chit-chat off topic PART 3 (1,165 Replies, 192,615 Views) by tedinkyyy
Depending on the faculty ... at our faculty it's about 230 lv. for a semester.. :)
Thread: toni storaro-otlichen(find lyrics and translate please) (47 Replies, 32,475 Views) by tedinkyyy
Пуно се радујем томе ;) ако ти треба нека помоћ, питај, овде је место :))))
Thread: toni storaro-otlichen(find lyrics and translate please) (47 Replies, 32,475 Views) by tedinkyyy
Не,није .. бар мислим,да није.. мада у Бугарској и Македонији је најпопуларнија..
и ја сама не знам како стављају заставе на клипове... мислим, важније је у којој је земљи продуцирана песма... зато...
Thread: Bulgarian chit-chat off topic PART 3 (1,165 Replies, 192,615 Views) by tedinkyyy
Nope, it isn't free but it's cheap (comparing to many other countries) ;)
Thread: Bulgarian chit-chat off topic PART 3 (1,165 Replies, 192,615 Views) by tedinkyyy
Of course..she must do it :) and how are the rest with speaking Bulgarian? :)
Thread: Bulgarian chit-chat off topic PART 3 (1,165 Replies, 192,615 Views) by tedinkyyy
you can be hired only if you have a degree from English language. :) You should know the grammer at a high level. No matter you're a native speaker. ;)
Thread: Bulgarian chit-chat off topic PART 3 (1,165 Replies, 192,615 Views) by tedinkyyy
Huh, does she speak Polish? :) I love such kind of profession, especially if you spend your time in different foreign countries...
Btw I'll have also the rights to teach Bulgarian because I'll have...
Thread: Bulgarian chit-chat off topic PART 3 (1,165 Replies, 192,615 Views) by tedinkyyy
Lou, hunny, nothing can stop you learning another languages, no matter where do you live in and what's your origin. :)
You see, in UK you can also learn Bulgarian... the impoetant thing is the will...
Thread: Bulgarian chit-chat off topic PART 3 (1,165 Replies, 192,615 Views) by tedinkyyy
yeah.. you :)
Thread: Bulgarian chit-chat off topic PART 3 (1,165 Replies, 192,615 Views) by tedinkyyy
she's learning more and more :)
Thread: toni storaro-otlichen(find lyrics and translate please) (47 Replies, 32,475 Views) by tedinkyyy
не знаш енглески?
Thread: toni storaro-otlichen(find lyrics and translate please) (47 Replies, 32,475 Views) by tedinkyyy
aha^^ lijepo :)
Thread: toni storaro-otlichen(find lyrics and translate please) (47 Replies, 32,475 Views) by tedinkyyy
Ti jesi li iz Srbije? :)
Thread: toni storaro-otlichen(find lyrics and translate please) (47 Replies, 32,475 Views) by tedinkyyy
Zivela Srbija! ;)
Thread: Bulgarian chit-chat off topic PART 3 (1,165 Replies, 192,615 Views) by tedinkyyy
Щ'и звънна аз на теб :d
Thread: Bulgarian chit-chat off topic PART 3 (1,165 Replies, 192,615 Views) by tedinkyyy
Добре, спокойно, не казвам,че не ти вярвам,просто ти ме обвиняваш,че за това конкретно аз съм казала,че не е толкова зле, а аз дори не съм го видяла :)
И аз знам,че ти ще го проговориш перфектно......
Thread: Bulgarian chit-chat off topic PART 3 (1,165 Replies, 192,615 Views) by tedinkyyy
I haven't seen where she has written "az sym bylgarski" :)
И крейзитофик, към теб съм по-строга, защото ти си от напредналите ученици :p И за теб знам,че имаш възможност да говориш ПЕРФЕКТНО ;) и аз...
Thread: Bulgarian chit-chat off topic PART 3 (1,165 Replies, 192,615 Views) by tedinkyyy
Hah.. tofik ur back... I can't believe :D
Lou, I didn't commit a suicide lol u had some mistakes but it isn't so bad :)
Thread: bulgarian to serbian - bugarski na srpski (5 Replies, 1,653 Views) by tedinkyyy
Само "ти имам" није тачно..исто је као и на српском - ти имаш :)