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Thread: Marra Tabeeb el 2alb (0 Replies, 49,147 Views) by amira_daou313
Hey everyone! It's been a long time, I'm hoping people still use and contribute to this site. Anyways, I heard hayk 2aseede that I really liked, Naji el Osta was singing it at the beginning of El...
Thread: Bilal - Drar Mig Ner (0 Replies, 2,636 Views) by amira_daou313
Hey there! If someone doesn't mind giving the swedish lyrics for Bilal's "Drar Mig Ner" and translating the lyrics into English for me, I'd really appreciate it! He's following me on instagram and...
Thread: Drar Mig Ner - Bilal (0 Replies, 159,773 Views) by amira_daou313
Hey there! If someone doesn't mind giving the swedish lyrics for Bilal's "Drar Mig Ner" and translating the lyrics into English for me, I'd really appreciate it! He's following me on instagram and...
Thread: Please help (1 Replies, 16,664 Views) by amira_daou313
I'll try my go! blue is the translated meaning, anything in purple is left out logical clauses. Hope this helps! :D
Do you know/Do you still know {stuff about} phones, pricing, etc.
Thread: Naskha Mennik - Adham Nabulsi (1 Replies, 5,290 Views) by amira_daou313
ما عاد نبضي يعزف لحن الهوى
بل يبحث عن بر فيه ارسيكِ
وصارت مشاعري للسائحين فقط .!!
وانتهت وطناً لطالما كان يؤويك
فما يعني أن اقصي روحي عنكِ
وغصباً عني تأتيكِ .؟!
وأن أعادي كل ما فيا...
Thread: Khalil Abou Obeid - Chway Chway and Ya Ghayeb (2 Replies, 24,775 Views) by amira_daou313
OMGGGGG i love yaaa aila!! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank youuuu!!! Hahahahaa I will get the transliterations in soon.. hopefully...
Thread: Need a friend who can teach me lebanese (3 Replies, 17,731 Views) by amira_daou313
Sure! Feel free to message me anytime you want, I will try to get back to you ASAP, and try to do my absolute best to help in any way i can!
Thread: Need a friend who can teach me lebanese (3 Replies, 17,731 Views) by amira_daou313
Hey there!
How can I help you dear? :)
Thread: Khalil Abou Obeid - Chway Chway and Ya Ghayeb (2 Replies, 24,775 Views) by amira_daou313
Can anyone find/provide the arabic lyrics for Khalil Abou Obeid's "Chway Chway" and "Ya Ghayeb"? I love his songs so much, I just wish I could find the full lyrics some where..
Thread: Naskha Mennik - Adham Nabulsi (1 Replies, 5,290 Views) by amira_daou313
Hey everyone! Can anyone find the original arabic lyrics for Adham Nabulsi's "Naskha Mennik" ? It's been stuck in my head since FOREVER!! English translations would also be greatly appreciated, I can...
Thread: Maya Diab - Gatifin (5 Replies, 45,886 Views) by amira_daou313
Thanks so much dear!! ♥
Thread: Can someone translate these to lebanese please (6 Replies, 22,669 Views) by amira_daou313
Of course hun I'm so glad it helped you!!! :-)
Thread: Can someone translate these to lebanese please (6 Replies, 22,669 Views) by amira_daou313
Awwwhhhh these are so cute!!! I'll try my best hun!!!! :)
P.S. - when you see a "/" its for male/female depends on who you're talking to ... example "mabsout" if you're talking about {as in you} a...
Thread: Michel Azzi - Ma3ik Youmayn (2 Replies, 3,485 Views) by amira_daou313
Thank you so much dear!! I'll be putting up transliterations very soon!!
Thread: Michel Azzi - Ma3ik Youmayn (2 Replies, 3,485 Views) by amira_daou313
Can anyone find me the original Arabic lyrics for Michel Azzi's new song, "Ma3ik Youmeen"? I would love to do the transliterations afterwards, but right now I just need the lyrics. :D Thanks!
Thread: Transliteration for these songs... please. (7 Replies, 7,851 Views) by amira_daou313
heheheh w 3alaikum el salam anddddddd Of course!! I'm really happy to do it anytime - just let me know if you need anything else!
Thread: Transliteration for these songs... please. (7 Replies, 7,851 Views) by amira_daou313
Andddddddd.... here's the third one! Hahaha if you need any more transliterations please please PLEASEEEE let me know!! I'll be happy to do it!! :D
Tarek Al Atrash - Yekhrab Baytik
Thread: Transliteration for these songs... please. (7 Replies, 7,851 Views) by amira_daou313
The second one is done!! Wow, this is the most I've done in one night hahahahaha :rolleyes:
Tarek Al Atrash - Shou Ser Einek
Shou ser 3einek
Ma 3am b2der ishba3 minon layl nhar
Thread: Transliteration for these songs... please. (7 Replies, 7,851 Views) by amira_daou313
Okay, here's the first one! :)
Hussam Taha - Zemret Dammy
Washem ismik 3a kitfi
7ases enno ma byekfi
3aber 3an 7obi netfi
7obik akbar bkteer
Thread: Transliteration for these songs... please. (7 Replies, 7,851 Views) by amira_daou313
Hey! I love these songs hahaha; if anyone can find the original Arabic lyrics for these songs, I will be happy to do the transliterations! :D
Thread: Shakespearean Sonnet Based on Tabib Garah (George Wassouf) (2 Replies, 4,406 Views) by amira_daou313
wow, this is really good!! Amazing job!!!! :D must have been SUPER tough doing this - i can't even make Shakespearean poems out of English songs themselves, but Arabic??? WOWWWWWWW. Respect. :)
Thread: Wafiq Habib - Talebni 3l mout (3 Replies, 4,410 Views) by amira_daou313
Here you go! :D
Tlobni 3al mout blebeek
Shou badak minee ba3teek
Tghanaj ya 7abeb tghanaj
Ana wallah mayet feek
Tlobni 3al mout blebeek
Thread: Joseph Attieh - Yey / جوزيف عطية - ياي (4 Replies, 10,021 Views) by amira_daou313
Thank you Guven for the link to the lyrics!!!
Arabic Lyrics:
في صوت لما بسمعه بحس بأمان
وبيخلصوا همومي وبيصير مدري ليش يضحكلي الزمان
بتكون غلبتني الدني وبيكون مدري شو بيني
لحظة همومي...
Thread: Sara El Hani ~ ya layl / ya leil bhebak (19 Replies, 23,596 Views) by amira_daou313
Its looks great!!! Bravoooo
Thread: Naji el Osta - Te3bo a3sabi (4 Replies, 11,552 Views) by amira_daou313
Here you go! Just did them! :D
2alo hiye wa7ide w bas b 2alby ma7ala
W ghayra ma fi 7elween ra7 takhod ma7ala
Sekar gharam ktar ayami ma7ala
W ma3ha ta3m el hawa 7ele w...
Thread: Sara El Hani ~ ya layl / ya leil bhebak (19 Replies, 23,596 Views) by amira_daou313
OH hahaha I'm in the US, I never went to Malaysia before. But I've been in Lebanon before. Anyways, it's so nice to meet you, and I am happy to help you translate any Arabic songs!
Thread: New Fares Karam Single Elli Byekzob 3a Marto فارس كرم - اللي بيكذب عَ مرتو (4 Replies, 17,762 Views) by amira_daou313
Here you go! Sorry I can't do translations, but I hope this helps! I found the orginal lyrics on and I did the transliterations!
Arabic Lyrics:
اللي بيكذب على...
Thread: Sara El Hani ~ ya layl / ya leil bhebak (19 Replies, 23,596 Views) by amira_daou313
No problem! Glad to help, as always! :D
Thread: Joseph Attieh - Yey / جوزيف عطية - ياي (4 Replies, 10,021 Views) by amira_daou313
I would loveee to help with transliterations if someone would provide the arabic lyrics! :D
Thread: Sara El Hani ~ ya layl / ya leil bhebak (19 Replies, 23,596 Views) by amira_daou313
Hahahaha saya chakap melayuuuu too! :D Im american but my dad is lebanese- thats why i know some arabic. My mother is Malaysian, from Sabah Malaysia. :)
Thread: Sara El Hani ~ ya layl / ya leil bhebak (19 Replies, 23,596 Views) by amira_daou313
I would love to help out with translations! But.... I don't know how to explain the lyrics - i only know a few words here and there. I'm hoping Angel Hero will see this post and help out!
By the...
Thread: Sara El Hani ~ ya layl / ya leil bhebak (19 Replies, 23,596 Views) by amira_daou313
Hi! It's me again, but I'm better in Arabic now as I have spent more time with family in Lebanon. Turns out I know some of Sara El Hani's family - She is Druze (like me ) and from my area in Lebanon...
Thread: A scene from "Mulan" (1 Replies, 17,270 Views) by amira_daou313
Nice choice! I love this movie so much!! :D
Thread: الأجداد - مولان (5 Replies, 4,737 Views) by amira_daou313
Love this movie sooooo much! Great job Angel Hero!
Was the transliterations needed?
Thread: Transliteration PLEASE for 'Aalem Albi El Shok' by George Wassouf (3 Replies, 2,922 Views) by amira_daou313
Here are transliterations! Thanks Tahira for the arabic lyrics! :D
3alem albi el shou2, el shou2
3alem 3ayni el sahar
Khati albi, albi lfou2
W ana hageelak 3al 2amar
3alem albi el shou2,...
Thread: Nader al atat - Nader (1 Replies, 12,473 Views) by amira_daou313
Here are the original arabic lyrics and the transliterations! :D Hope it helps!
Arabic Lyrics:
نادر مابقعد من دونا
ولا بسكن الا بعيونا
نادر بعمري مابخونا
نادر انا والله نادر
نادر رح...
Thread: Ana elak - Hazem sharif (4 Replies, 7,394 Views) by amira_daou313
Thank you Angel Hero! Transliterations done! :D
انا الك شو ما يقولوا انا الك
I am yours no matter what they are saying, I am yours!
Ana elak shou ma y2oulo ana elak
انت الملك على...
Thread: Ana elak - Hazem sharif (4 Replies, 7,394 Views) by amira_daou313
If you could find the original arabic lyrics, Im sure i can do the transliteration for you! :D
Thread: Ramy Ayach Albi Waga3ni (2 Replies, 6,905 Views) by amira_daou313
Transliterations :D
عم تضحكي وقلبك حزين
3am ted7aki w 2albik 7azeen
صار البكي لون الحنين
Sar el beki lawn el 7aneen
قلبي انكسر حتى الصور عم بتقول
2albi inkasar 7ata el sor 3am bt2oul...
Thread: Bab Al Hara :) (4 Replies, 24,773 Views) by amira_daou313
hahahaha yeah true
Thread: Hadid el mohra - layal abboud (5 Replies, 9,264 Views) by amira_daou313
The singer- Layal Abboud, is Lebanese
However, the song is lebanese originally by the famous singer Salwa El Qatrib but it's in palestinian dialect.
And de rien :D I'm so glad i can help!
Thread: Shiraz - Kif Badak 3ani Tghib كيف بدك عني تغيب (5 Replies, 35,606 Views) by amira_daou313
You're welcome! :D
Thread: Translation/lyrics needed: Haitham Khalaily- Ya Falastini (2 Replies, 6,522 Views) by amira_daou313
yayyyyyy thank you!!! ♥
Thread: Bab Al Hara :) (4 Replies, 24,773 Views) by amira_daou313
hahaha yeah After abu shab left it got worse. I mean I saw 7 last year and i got pretty upset that it was horrible
Thread: Anwar El Amir - Serti Marti (2 Replies, 4,045 Views) by amira_daou313
I just did them right here at this link!
Thread: Arabic To English صرتي مرتي - أنور الامير - Serti Marti - Anwar El Amir (1 Replies, 5,267 Views) by amira_daou313
Here you go! I tried my best :D
Yshhad 3alayi allah enni ba3sha2 hawaki
God is my witness that I love your love (God knows how much I love you)
W min bayn el deniye kila
And out of the whole...
Thread: May I have an English translation please...😊 (6 Replies, 21,522 Views) by amira_daou313
You're welcome! Anytime :)
Thread: Translation/lyrics needed: Haitham Khalaily- Ya Falastini (2 Replies, 6,522 Views) by amira_daou313
Hey everyone! NEW SONG ALERT hahaha :D So this past year's Arab Idol's winner was Hazem Shareef, and 2nd place was Haitham Khalaily <3 both have amazing voices :D ANYWAYS, Haitham just released his...
Thread: Hadid el mohra - layal abboud (5 Replies, 9,264 Views) by amira_daou313
Thanks *gbasfora* for the lyrics, and here's the transliteration :D
Khashkhash hadid el mohra wayli
W galou hali el 7arami
W tari el 7arami showeki wayli
W el hag 3alaykom ya 3amami
W el hag...
Thread: Shiraz - Kif Badak 3ani Tghib كيف بدك عني تغيب (5 Replies, 35,606 Views) by amira_daou313
كيف بدك عني تغيب
How do you want to disappear from me (as in, WHY would you want to disappear from me)
يا حبيبي لا ما تغيب
Oh darling, no, don't disappear
كيف بدك عني تروح
How do you...