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Thread: Identify this please! (11 Replies, 12,079 Views) by cbwillallen25
Didn't know if Suarez was informed of this, but will post it anyway.
Sofia Candiani - Put Your Hands Up (2010)
Thread: Song Heard At Panera Bread Last Weekend (6/22) (1 Replies, 6,115 Views) by cbwillallen25
I know this guess is much older but hey you never know. If at the least it can be used to determine if the tempo is similar.
Smokey Robinson & The Miracles - Ooo Baby Baby (1965)...
Thread: An "old" French song with an accordion... (1 Replies, 38,588 Views) by cbwillallen25
Here's a Wild Guess
SUPER JAZZ DES JEUNES - J'ai Péché (1962)
Singer is Gerard Dupervil
Thread: Reggae Song, only can describe intro (0 Replies, 3,516 Views) by cbwillallen25
The singer probably isn't him, but the closest description I can give is Kevin Lyttle's voice. The the beginning the singer is singing "aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh" Changing notes up and down as He sings it for...
Thread: Unknown female italo disco song. Please help :-) (1 Replies, 3,207 Views) by cbwillallen25
Sounds like She's singing "Show me your love".
Thread: Does anyone know these songs, very vague clues. (15 Replies, 6,901 Views) by cbwillallen25
Thanks atmaster, but once again it isn't it, I'm sorry.
Thread: Does anyone know these songs, very vague clues. (15 Replies, 6,901 Views) by cbwillallen25
Thanks for your efforts atmaster, unfortunately not it. This song has a slower tempo than the one I am searching for.
Thread: SOLVED:"Don't go, don't go breaking my heart "1986-1992" please help :-) (33 Replies, 17,110 Views) by cbwillallen25
You were right RobbyT, it isn't Danny and John Rocket. There version is a cover of Elton John and Kiki Dee's song.
Thread: R&B song. Need title for it. (6 Replies, 2,306 Views) by cbwillallen25
OK, I have some questions if you recall.
1. What radio station was this?
2. What location were you in/at when you recorded this?
3. Is there anything else you could possibly add to the...
Thread: Does anyone know these songs, very vague clues. (15 Replies, 6,901 Views) by cbwillallen25
Sorry atmaster, but no. The first one is tough because of the fact that it was the beginning. I doubt it was a cover of any song. I think I will try the artists again who I mentioned.
For the 2nd...
Thread: Does anyone know these songs, very vague clues. (15 Replies, 6,901 Views) by cbwillallen25
OK, I tried my best to do what I remembered about both songs.
As I said, he is not saying this, but it sounded like this. Melody wise especially.
Thread: Does anyone know these songs, very vague clues. (15 Replies, 6,901 Views) by cbwillallen25
Unfortunately no atmaster
Thread: Does anyone know these songs, very vague clues. (15 Replies, 6,901 Views) by cbwillallen25
None of them, but I will send a thank you because 2 of those songs I haven't heard in quite a while and never knew who sang them. The Heart of the Matter, and The End of the Innocence.
Thread: Near Impossible Song (4 Replies, 24,555 Views) by cbwillallen25
Yes, unfortunately they didn't even offer any suggestions. This one though I knew it would be a tough one to crack. This originally was pianoman's. He doesn't have any clue where he got this from. I...
Thread: Does anyone know these songs, very vague clues. (15 Replies, 6,901 Views) by cbwillallen25
Thank you both for your attempts. Unfortunately none of them are the song. However, the closest to it is Young Girl. The tone, and sound of the singer is similar, and so is the tempo. If anything I...
Thread: Near Impossible Song (4 Replies, 24,555 Views) by cbwillallen25
Thanks a lot atmaster, and sorry for the wrong link. I meant to have that in addition as a reference. Here's the song. I will also add it to the first post.
Thread: Does anyone know these songs, very vague clues. (15 Replies, 6,901 Views) by cbwillallen25
1. Reggae song that was a hit, and still can be used a parties. In fact they still play it. For the range I'd say late 90s - early 00s. All I recall was the beginning. It is a man who's voice sounds...
Thread: Near Impossible Song (4 Replies, 24,555 Views) by cbwillallen25 (Paula Cole)
Unfortunately this is all that's there. My guess is this is the beginning of the song. She...
Thread: SOLVED:"Don't go, don't go breaking my heart "1986-1992" please help :-) (33 Replies, 17,110 Views) by cbwillallen25
So far can't find anything regarding the rebel sisters, but will keep trying. Honestly, I still have a funny feeling about Danny and John Rocket. I'd like to know more about them before I dismiss...
Thread: SOLVED:"Don't go, don't go breaking my heart "1986-1992" please help :-) (33 Replies, 17,110 Views) by cbwillallen25
Unless someone else takes the lead it doesn't sound like ESP
Here's the A Side of that LP
It's really tough finding samples.
Thread: Need song name (7 Replies, 3,739 Views) by cbwillallen25
Hi, do you remember what you were doing when you got this sample? Thanks
Thread: Unknown NFL Films Song (1 Replies, 2,135 Views) by cbwillallen25
Someone identified it YouTube.!/en/browse/browsed-results.aspx?selectedLabelId=28&PageNo=5&SelectedCDId=1011
Alan Bell & Roger Dexter - International Event
Thread: Unknown NFL Films Song (1 Replies, 2,135 Views) by cbwillallen25
Sorry for the sound and quality. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
Thread: Please Help Identify These Two Tough Songs (1 Replies, 1,449 Views) by cbwillallen25
Found SONG 1, now on to that very elusive 2nd song.
Cher - I Found Someone
Thread: Solved: Song from video extract (hockey game) (3 Replies, 2,248 Views) by cbwillallen25
You're welcome anytime. I know the exact feeling, but you did the right thing and something that greatly enhanced the chances and time of when it would be found. Great job on your part for that.
Thread: Solved: Song from video extract (hockey game) (3 Replies, 2,248 Views) by cbwillallen25
More than enough for me.
Venga Boys - We Like To Party
Thread: French female singer. UNKNOWN SONG LA LA LA LALALA LA LA LA LA (2 Replies, 14,367 Views) by cbwillallen25
How was the tempo? Was it fast, slow, moderate?
Here's a guess.
Mireille Mathieu - Tous Les Enfants Chante Avec Moi
At the 1 minute mark is when...
Thread: Please Help Identify These Two Tough Songs (1 Replies, 1,449 Views) by cbwillallen25
Hello everyone. Here are two song requests. I tried to hum both parts that I remember.
This is a soft rock/easy listening...
Thread: French song to id (3 Replies, 6,733 Views) by cbwillallen25
Francesca Gagnon - A Lautre Bout
Thread: Slow song to id (2 Replies, 1,790 Views) by cbwillallen25
Jon Lucien - You Don't Need Me
Thread: HipHop song to id (3 Replies, 1,844 Views) by cbwillallen25
Lemn - Flag
Thread: latin oldie (1 Replies, 1,705 Views) by cbwillallen25
Malavoi - Demarrage
Thread: Searching for a RAP/HIP HOP song with a high pitched female voice in chorus (3 Replies, 27,241 Views) by cbwillallen25
Here are a few with higher pitched voices in the Chorus. If they are wrong you can give a look into Kanye West's older songs as he has had this on other songs.
Kanye West - Through The Wire...
Thread: Old school records ID.Any clues? (7 Replies, 5,735 Views) by cbwillallen25
You're welcome anytime
Thread: Unknown Artist and Title: I'm Your Lover (0 Replies, 1,836 Views) by cbwillallen25
This is a request from a friend. His father had songs and he's been working on identifying them. These songs probably came out of Europe in the 70s or...
Thread: Help to identify a song (4 Replies, 3,174 Views) by cbwillallen25
Do you recall any of the following. The singer's sex? What Country you were in when you heard the song (if not the US)?
Here's a shot at it.
Stevie Wonder - I Just Called To Say I Love You...
Thread: 80's song no one seems to know (5 Replies, 2,039 Views) by cbwillallen25
A few questions for you.
1. What Country did you hear this song?
2. Do you recall if it was a male or female?
3. Do you recall the tempo of the song?
Thanks, any answers to these would help...
Thread: Unknown artist - How deep is your love (2 Replies, 2,151 Views) by cbwillallen25
How's the pace of the song? Here are a couple of guesses.
Mc Sar & The Real McCoy - How Deep Is Your Love
Kyla - How Deep Is Your Love...
Thread: Help with French song (1 Replies, 2,415 Views) by cbwillallen25
Very sorry about all of this. I know the feeling. It will be very tough, but what the hell here's a shot out of the dark.
Mireille Mathieu - Tous Les Enfants Chante Avec Moi...
Thread: Old school records ID.Any clues? (7 Replies, 5,735 Views) by cbwillallen25
Here's 3
1st Song Kano - Dance School =
5th Song Direct Drive - Pass The Paper =...
Thread: Song title/artist unknown (3 Replies, 3,057 Views) by cbwillallen25
It will be identified. I've seen plenty of near impossible songs solved on here. I asked if anyone knew anything about "Danny and John Rocket - Don't Go Breaking My Heart" because I couldn't find...
Thread: Song title/artist unknown (3 Replies, 3,057 Views) by cbwillallen25
This is a tough one. Here's a thread made previously, I posted lyrics to this song.
Thread: Please Help Solve This Hip Hip Song (0 Replies, 1,906 Views) by cbwillallen25
A while back I posted a link I made on youtube for another song. Thankfully it was found, and I thank all for the great assistance. Ironically this hip hop song I happened to catch a few seconds of...
Thread: Lyrical Cover of Axel F? (2 Replies, 2,567 Views) by cbwillallen25
I have a question for you. How long ago did you hear this cover? Also, can it be possible that the cover was released later than the 80s? Here's one you can listen to. Please let me know if this is...
Thread: (SOLVED) Does anyone know the name of this song? (Creole) (0 Replies, 4,865 Views) by cbwillallen25
Sorry for the quality. It was recorded from my phone from a cassette.
Not sure about anything about this song. It was recorded from my Uncle (Aunts...
Thread: [solved] Female voice, violin? (5 Replies, 3,248 Views) by cbwillallen25
Thank you
Thread: [solved] Female voice, violin? (5 Replies, 3,248 Views) by cbwillallen25
You're welcome anytime.
Thread: [solved] Female voice, violin? (5 Replies, 3,248 Views) by cbwillallen25
Soko - We Might Be Dead By Tomorrow
Thread: Any ideas about the singers of these tracks? (4 Replies, 3,906 Views) by cbwillallen25
You got it.
Thread: Any ideas about the singers of these tracks? (4 Replies, 3,906 Views) by cbwillallen25
Song #4 = Evelyn "Champagne" King - Givin' You My Love (What Cha Gonna Do With It)
Song #2 = Stacy Lattisaw & Johnny Gill - Block Party...