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Thread: Ta mbajme gjalle amanetin (6 Replies, 7,374 Views) by Krasiva
I had to use google translate for some words to be honest, but yeah thats what I meant haha
Thread: Ta mbajme gjalle amanetin (6 Replies, 7,374 Views) by Krasiva
Kurbeti - Albanians call the life outside of albania/kosovo/wherever they come from the 'Kurbet' or 'Gurbet', which just means the thing of leaving your home for a "better life"
Stars, no, don't...
Thread: Eli Fara ft. Mangavatu - Romale (Roma) (0 Replies, 4,053 Views) by Krasiva
Hi! So theres this song by an albanian singer and she has those Roma singers having some parts in her song, would be nice if someone could write them down and translate them?
Here are the lyrics in...
Thread: Ece Seēkin - Bu Ne Ya (4 Replies, 7,485 Views) by Krasiva
I was looking for it too :( Someone translate please!
Thread: Magdallena (1 Replies, 3,859 Views) by Krasiva
Because your blonde hair...
And black eyes Oh Magdalena
Because your blonde hair...
And black eyes Oh Magdalena
I just can't forget them by lifetime
Magdalenė,Oh Magdalena
I either get you or...
Thread: Elida Bardhi ft. Soni - Me mua (1 Replies, 4,382 Views) by Krasiva
Kur po dal n'qytet | When I go out to the city
vendin po e dridhi | I make the place shake
e bukur e nxeht | Pretty and hot
edhe kur vjen dimri | Even when winter comes
afer fare pran | Really...
Thread: Анелия - Сложно - невъзможно / Anelia - Slojno nevuzmojno BG - ENG (1 Replies, 5,407 Views) by Krasiva
1) Не се показвам, отказвам, зарязвам --
Ne se pokazvam, otkazvam, zariazvam
често ти казвам не си за мен!...
Thread: Gergana - Shte izdarjish li / Гергана - Ще издържиш ли BG - ENG (1 Replies, 4,727 Views) by Krasiva
За тебе мога аз да стана,
Za tebe moga az da stana
по сладка от шоколада,
Po sladka ot shokolada,
по-силна и сексапилна,...
Thread: Djena - Da te bqh ranila (BG-EN) (4 Replies, 4,656 Views) by Krasiva
wasnt it "Da te prejalq"?
Thread: Андреа - Не ти го казвам (Andrea-ne ti go kazvam) (3 Replies, 4,178 Views) by Krasiva
This is actually really sad...
Thread: Andrea feat, Bolis Dali - Edno (17 Replies, 12,819 Views) by Krasiva
Just gotta love this song <3
Thread: Emanuela - Popitai za men/Емануела - Попитай за мен BG -> ENG (1 Replies, 7,544 Views) by Krasiva
Попитай за мен, попитай изгрева.
Дали се наспах, без тебе през нощта.
Като буца в гърлото ми, заседнала е любовта..
Ако я...
Thread: Andrea - Men si tyrsil (25 Replies, 19,366 Views) by Krasiva
maybe you mean Anelia?
Thread: Цветелина Янева ft. Rida Al Abdullah - Брой ме (10 Replies, 12,553 Views) by Krasiva
maybe the arabic part too?
Thread: Arta Bajrami - Mos ta nin (4 Replies, 7,605 Views) by Krasiva
Ora gati 3 e 1 ēerek
nga ti ende as njė shenjė
valavitem n`kėtė dyshek s`mund tė flej
sonte t`pres se ska rėndėsi
Thread: Arta Bajrami - Mos ta nin (4 Replies, 7,605 Views) by Krasiva
Its almost quarter past 3
Still no sign of you
I'm moving around in this bed, I can't sleep
I am waiting for you tonight, cuz it...
Thread: Lule Moj (11 Replies, 8,562 Views) by Krasiva
Lule Moj Enkelejda Alushi & Hysni Alushi
te besova ate dite
I believed you on that day
ate dite moj si u ndame
On that day, oh, when we parted
Thread: Anelia - Da ti viarvam li? (4 Replies, 6,561 Views) by Krasiva
Thank you very much, Marius!!!
Thread: Anelia - Da ti viarvam li? (4 Replies, 6,561 Views) by Krasiva
Translation Please :))
Казвам си, ако те изгубя,
няма да си го простя, не те познавам
Хване ме за ръката и ме поведе в нощта.
Да ти вярвам или бягам,
това се...
Thread: Азис - Хоп / Azis - Hop BG - ENG (37 Replies, 48,075 Views) by Krasiva
first, yes my friend who translated it is bulgarian who lives in sofia and who i guess speaks the bulgarian perfectly good, i didnt use google translator or something haha
and he says...
Thread: Jam bije shqipetare (7 Replies, 5,689 Views) by Krasiva
(Shqiperia) 16x
(Albania) 16x
Shqiperi o yll o hene
Albania, Oh Star, Oh moon
Me ke bije e te kam nene
I am your daughter you are my mother
Dhe kur bota eshte zene
And when the world is...
Thread: Азис - Хоп / Azis - Hop BG - ENG (37 Replies, 48,075 Views) by Krasiva
I asked a good friend, who i hired now to translate lyrics for my blog <3 ;))
Thread: Азис - Хоп / Azis - Hop BG - ENG (37 Replies, 48,075 Views) by Krasiva
мило , обичаш ли ме още?
(Dear, do you still love me?)
Бейби , събличаш ли ме нощем?
(Baby, do you undress me at night?)
Карай бавно няма да бързаш.
(Drive slow, don’t rush it)
Как ще стане...
Thread: Андреа и Борис Солтарийски - Предай се / Andrea i Boris Soltarii (9 Replies, 10,382 Views) by Krasiva
She took ballet lessons when since she was four (!). Her whole family is in classic music business. She took another way, still she is doing her thing!
Thread: Азис - Хоп / Azis - Hop BG - ENG (37 Replies, 48,075 Views) by Krasiva
sexy song <3
Thread: Азис - Хоп / Azis - Hop BG - ENG (37 Replies, 48,075 Views) by Krasiva
I know I may be fast with the new songs but PLEASE, THIS IS JUST GENIUS! OMFG <3333
Thread: Андреа и Борис Солтарийски - Предай се / Andrea i Boris Soltarii (9 Replies, 10,382 Views) by Krasiva
I think it's just that Andrea is trying to be more like a "serious" artist, since she has to take care of her image more because she want to be successful as Sahara in the international music...
Thread: Андреа и Борис Солтарийски - Предай се / Andrea i Boris Soltarii (9 Replies, 10,382 Views) by Krasiva
I love ittttttttttttttttttt
Thread: Андреа и Борис Солтарийски - Предай се / Andrea i Boris Soltarii (9 Replies, 10,382 Views) by Krasiva
Дай да те видя как се прибираш ,
пил и самотен без да ме имаш .
Друга такава как се намира ?
Знам , че когато...
Thread: Sofi Marinova - Omzi fatalen den (2008) (19 Replies, 9,310 Views) by Krasiva
has anybody noticed i wrote the title wrong hahahaha
Thread: Малина - Най - солено / Malina - Nai soleno [BG - ENG] (16 Replies, 9,974 Views) by Krasiva
Aaach Sled teb ist wundervoll da ist nichr schlimm wenns geklaut ist xD
Danke gute nacht auch dir :-*
und ja ich freu mich halt über die kleinen dinge hehe
Thread: Малина - Най - солено / Malina - Nai soleno [BG - ENG] (16 Replies, 9,974 Views) by Krasiva
WHAAAAA WHY NOBODY TELLS ME ABOUT THIS PAGE??!?!?! :OOOO Q___Q Das ist ja paradies! Ich liebe es kopien und originale zu finden und dann kommst du einfach so mit dieser seite sclakjdcuwczbo8rce...
Thread: Burn - Pėr dikė (5 Replies, 4,681 Views) by Krasiva
I think its more like "S'mundem me, me mungon" -> I can't take it anymore, I miss you
Very good translation haydee! :)))
Thread: Ka disa shqiptaro-folės nė Shqipėri? (3 Replies, 3,255 Views) by Krasiva
Po ne Shqiperi edhe shqip folin normal -.-
Thread: Малина - Най - солено / Malina - Nai soleno [BG - ENG] (16 Replies, 9,974 Views) by Krasiva
How much time did du take to find all these songs, damn! :O
Im glad that Za da me imash is already known, since it came out just yesterday <3
Das hat nichts mit Indern in Albanien/Kosovo...
Thread: Gergana - Facebook (BG>>EN) (11 Replies, 12,802 Views) by Krasiva
Girls who like chalga are are just like those girls (most of them) I study the party pictures the chalga singers upload on facebook, I know what i am talking about :D haha there is no diffrence...
Thread: Gergana - Facebook (BG>>EN) (11 Replies, 12,802 Views) by Krasiva
that's the fun part about chalga :D
half naked girls and senseless lyrics are awesome! <3
Thread: Gergana - Facebook (BG>>EN) (11 Replies, 12,802 Views) by Krasiva
LOOOOOOOOOOL "legs opened wide and just in underpants" - legendary!
Thread: Малина - Най - солено / Malina - Nai soleno [BG - ENG] (16 Replies, 9,974 Views) by Krasiva
Also ich finds amüsant :D haha :))
Thread: Малина - Най - солено / Malina - Nai soleno [BG - ENG] (16 Replies, 9,974 Views) by Krasiva
hast du gut gemacht danke hahaha :D
Thread: Ka disa shqiptaro-folės nė Shqipėri? (3 Replies, 3,255 Views) by Krasiva
qka po thu? hahaha
Thread: Малина - Най - солено / Malina - Nai soleno [BG - ENG] (16 Replies, 9,974 Views) by Krasiva
What do you mean with stealing? hahah
And could you please translate the lyrics already? xD
Thread: Sahara - I wonder why [Lyrics] (0 Replies, 18,779 Views) by Krasiva
I know this is nothing about translating, But I didnt know where to put it in so I am posting the lyrics of the new song here (Andrea is bulgarian lol!!)
Sahara - I wonder why Lyrics
Thread: Малина - Най - солено / Malina - Nai soleno [BG - ENG] (16 Replies, 9,974 Views) by Krasiva
I can imagine that american music is not always original, maybe most of it, but still, as a person who is effected by balkan music since I was little, and seeing how everybody is copying everybody, I...
Thread: Besa - Ajer (2 Replies, 3,138 Views) by Krasiva
I was looking
Njerėz dhe dritėskllave e shpirtit, tim...e lirė
People and Lightslaves of my soul, free
Ne ajėr
In the air
Sytė perėndoj Dielli humbi...ndihmė...kam frikė
I decline...
Thread: Малина - Най - солено / Malina - Nai soleno [BG - ENG] (16 Replies, 9,974 Views) by Krasiva
Kati and Sabian are a good example for the united work of albanians with bulgarian.
Just like Flori feat. Alisia "Ne e kraq", always a pleasure to see the combination of those two languages.
Thread: GENTA & DJ DALOOL - Guximi [AL -> EN] (4 Replies, 11,039 Views) by Krasiva
I think we all know what it means hahahahaha
Thread: Малина - Най - солено / Malina - Nai soleno [BG - ENG] (16 Replies, 9,974 Views) by Krasiva
Има ли воновна - аз
ти невинен си!
Кой реши да пробва - аз
пробвах и боли!
Има ли обичан - ти
обожаван си!
Иска ли ми всичко - ти
още искай ми!
Нека най-солено да ми излезе
Thread: Mishel i Anabel - Miliarderche [BG - ENG] (3 Replies, 3,791 Views) by Krasiva
Sorry, I didnt write it, i found it in the internet :))
Thread: GENTA & DJ DALOOL - Guximi [AL -> EN] (4 Replies, 11,039 Views) by Krasiva
They got lots of music (?)
Dj Dalool Genta
Takin' over baby
Aaaaa Yehh ėė
E ni muziken
I hear the music
Tash o fillimi (Waww eee)