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Thread: Can someone translate this to Lebanese dialect (2 Replies, 25,582 Views) by firas
do you still want the translate?
Thread: Fairouz - Ya Zamba2 (7 Replies, 4,234 Views) by firas
Yes! exactly
Thread: Fairouz - Ya Zamba2 (7 Replies, 4,234 Views) by firas
hmmm! I think the problem was you didn't figure out the "stairs and the fence" of what!
its all about that "house"
My words btw ()
Oh (((seduce))) Lily on his fence (fence of the house) يا...
Thread: please translate this: (2 Replies, 2,378 Views) by firas
About the picture- many person change the word in it as they like to.
Thread: r u ready kareeem? (33 Replies, 8,664 Views) by firas
والحل بسيط جدا
Thread: Can someone please translate this for me (1 Replies, 2,398 Views) by firas
and as you said from a long time that word: the body is sleep and the brain a wake
you are saying wisdom swear to god oh! you the "mother"-"Lady" of all world
do you remember when you make a...
Thread: what this means? (3 Replies, 4,022 Views) by firas
Don't be sad.. Its ok! its not your fault [ :) not from: Good Will Hunting] .. the word was writing wrong in arabic "some of its letter".
Thread: Please translate (4 Replies, 2,943 Views) by firas
I'm sure you didn't intend any offend, and thank You.
Thread: what this means? (3 Replies, 4,022 Views) by firas
I'm not sure you are really asking or not! because you translate before from arabic so how you are asking?
فريد وبعيد
individual-unique and away
وخوج زاوية
wrong its: وخود زاوية
take a...
Thread: Can someone please translate this for me? (12 Replies, 6,717 Views) by firas
the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace - said: This world is enjoyment and the best of its enjoyment is a righteous(virtuous) woman
Thread: Can someone please translate these (1 Replies, 2,232 Views) by firas
the First: Time doesn't change anyone, time just reveal every human truth. \\End\\
The Second:the gloss of tears in the eye more harder than crying (when tear fall)
I hope I translated the second...
Thread: Can someone please translates these two attachments for me (4 Replies, 2,794 Views) by firas
again! just your kindness
Thread: translation please (1 Replies, 2,559 Views) by firas
its zo3ran for a group!
and az3ar for a person
the right word you said: iben share3!
we rarely use it for girls !
we can use it with friends or for kids !! while joking with them..
its not a...
Thread: Can someone please translates these two attachments for me (4 Replies, 2,794 Views) by firas
and the second? I don't know if i can't find your translation!
its: extremely pointless
Thread: yes3ad masakon (12 Replies, 3,905 Views) by firas
people with no manners
people who can steal.. hit people with no reason. say bad word..
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,154,666 Views) by firas
أنا أقصد فعلا فعلا أنك على صواب
ولعلي مخطأ فكلنا معرضون للخطأ
وخشيت أن أكون ترجمت خطأ للسائل فأحببت أن تصوبي لي وله
أو تذكري احتمال المعنى الذي ذكرته أنت
وأنا أعتبر نفسي تلميذا ومبتدأ...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,154,666 Views) by firas
ذلك ممكن.. ولعلي قد أخطأت. .. ولعلك تصوبي ذلك
تلميذ أنا في مدرستك :)
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,154,666 Views) by firas
acting like didn't hear people talking about her
البين ئلي يطسك = its like: i hope your heart will be blind!
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,154,666 Views) by firas
الحشا هو داخل الانسان اي بعض من جوفه
وال"شط": ليس الشاطىء !!
حاول انتبه لترابط الكلام ببعضه بما انه يوجد كلمة حشا فلا تفسر شط بمفردها
ومعك حق فالعبارة بلهجة صعبة!
الشط هو : التعب
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,154,666 Views) by firas
its like saying : Plz Have a good feeling that this matter will be done.. Or achieve..
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,154,666 Views) by firas
there a people have lies inside of them more than kindness
and there people without any Conscience they have no shame to do anything bad (they will do any bad thing without shy
and you are welcome
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,154,666 Views) by firas
listen to me if your wife sad about the pictures that i send .. she didn't like it.. (and this is the beautiful one)=im not sure the word in arabic not clear for me ودي الحلواة
-if you are awake?...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,154,666 Views) by firas
Thanks a lot.. Good job!
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,154,666 Views) by firas
as i understood your writing:
Alaah=ALLAH = Oh my God..
3andhom= they have
7ossyeen= حسين (name of a person) OR 7ossyeen= Horse
zayeenaa=Like us
its mean= OH! do they have also "7ossyeen"...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,154,666 Views) by firas
Aha! Ok Know I got it 100% "Share3...".
العفو .. انا الذي اعتذر منك
لان اصلا ما خطر ببالي ان تكون الترجمة بلهجة الشارع
شكرا لك للتوضيح من كرم اخلاقك
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,154,666 Views) by firas
viva شو وقفت عليي؟
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,154,666 Views) by firas
كان في
there was
but no more!
Once.. there was a heart.. But now no more!
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,154,666 Views) by firas
know at this time
lying down
Its like his answering a question what his doing -so no: (i'm)-
ex : lie down to sleep
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,154,666 Views) by firas
I Believe You! I Believe you!
جميل فك عقد الآخرين ببساطة
ويبدو السبب أن كل واحد منا تعني له الكلمة بمداها شيء مختلف
ولذلك اختلفت ترجمتنا للمعنى بين مختصر ومشبع ومفيد
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,154,666 Views) by firas
If you mean in egypt!!!
okkkkkk we rarely use it!!
So sorry!!!
its like saying "of all the sudden".... EX:
like i don't know to read at all and suddenly you see me reading "Hamlet"!!
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,154,666 Views) by firas
Do you know how to dance "dabkeh"
(Do the "dabkeh"ادبكي) one time :)
أدبكي مرة واحدة=like he asking-order you to do "dabkeh"\ the "dabkeh " is to hit the floor with your foot! with a special way...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,154,666 Views) by firas
رغم دروسك الكثيرة شكرا لتكرمك بالجواب
مقدرا لك صنيعك هذا
كنت أتوقع أن تكون الترجمة
عمري= the real time that i count as my life is when you are with me
I count my age from the day I knew...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,154,666 Views) by firas
شكرا لردك الكريم
صنيعك هذا أكثر من كرم
لم يعد مهما ما هو الأصح
طالما أن المقصود أن يفهم السائل بشكل عام
فلا بأس طالما الكل راض
بالإضافة أكيد أن أهل البيت أدرى بما فيه.. وأنت أهل البيت وأصحابه...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,154,666 Views) by firas
Thanks for your reply.. english is ok
I don't check in what section i'm.. Sorry! My mistake....
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,154,666 Views) by firas
sorry viva
But he isn't talking about "coming from"
أليس المقصود ب يأتيك
هو يعطيك من حيث لا تحتسب؟
so: he gives you from where you didn't imagine!
or its "one" not "you"?? as you said?...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,154,666 Views) by firas
اسف للتطفل
ولكن هل يدرك الناس ان الترجمة هنا بسبب المبنى
وليست ترجمة حرفية للمعنى؟
أقصد حيث تحولت كلمة "عمري" إلى "حلاة قلبي" هل هم يدركون ذلك
وهل هناك تأثير ؟ وأقصد هل هم يريدون تعلم معنى الكلمة...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,154,666 Views) by firas
لا أستطيع أن أصدق ما تقوله
أنت تقول ذلك فقط لتؤلمني-لتؤذيني
شكرا مقدما
:) have a laugh!
Thread: Loai- Kelmet Habibi (7 Replies, 3,191 Views) by firas
I found another translation in this forum by someone...
you can choose now..
Thread: Loai- Kelmet Habibi (7 Replies, 3,191 Views) by firas
افتكر دلوقتي بس ابتدي يفهم
I think now he begin to understand
يحس لما ضيعت انا من ايديه
and feel, when he lost me from his hand
Thread: Grace Deeb - Commo Toi (6 Replies, 27,899 Views) by firas
You are welcome Ms. I agree about arabic beauty but i didn't hear the "grace" song, I shut it down when i saw it..
Thread: Grace Deeb - Commo Toi (6 Replies, 27,899 Views) by firas
Very sorry My Lady, My mistake... My Ignorance!!
I didn't imagine someone will stole the song from (Jean-Jacques Goldman) and ruined it- at least as an art!!
!! والأغنية كما تعلمين؟ يحكي فيها...
Thread: Grace Deeb - Commo Toi (6 Replies, 27,899 Views) by firas
strange!! is there any related between the arabic words and this song??!!