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Thread: Tamer Hosny & Esseily ... Ekhteraa (0 Replies, 52,391 Views) by shhora
معروف انا من زمانولا واحدة بتملالي عينياجات هي حصل جنانشكلي هيتعلم عليالا دي تعظيم سلامحلوة جدااا مش عاديةده الحب ملوش كبيروانا ايه فاكر نفسي خبرة!وبوقع ناس كتيروبعدي من خرم ابرهقال ايه جامد خطيرخدت...
Thread: Baran Bayraktar - Salla Gitsin lyrics translation (0 Replies, 13,357 Views) by shhora
Please someone translate this song??? thank you evry much :music_fun:
Kimine göre doğru her duygu
Ben bu oyunlara gelmem
Yan yatıp çamura batıyorsa mevzu
O kulvarda görünmem
Thread: Gulben - Yaklas Yaklas (0 Replies, 14,429 Views) by shhora
Can anyone translate this song please!! :help_fun:Thanks :clapping_fun:
Küçücüktüm top oynadım
İp atladım durdum
Sağım solum önüm arkam
Hep saklandım durdum
Acımasız zalim yıllar
Thread: Ertunc - Adam olmazisin (0 Replies, 13,175 Views) by shhora
Can anyone translte this song please? Thank you very much! :music_fun:
İki sözünden biri yalanmış
Seni alan yanmış be güzelim
Kaçamakta yaparmış
Yapsın sıkıysa hadi görelim
İnce yerinden...
Thread: Haifa Wehbe - Touta (1 Replies, 25,652 Views) by shhora
Can anyone translate this song and also post lyrics with latin alphabet. Thank you!
لا لا لا لا لا لاه ده كان زمان
فكّك منّي ولا تكلّمني ولا تفهمني ولا بتنجان
لو لبكرا حتتمسكنلي لا...
Thread: Carole Samaha - Ensa Hmoumak (0 Replies, 6,539 Views) by shhora
Can anyone post the translation and lyrics with latin alphabet for this song please!! Thank You very much!!
Thread: Yossi Shitrit - Hatzi russia hatzi marokait (0 Replies, 20,966 Views) by shhora
Please can anyone translate this song and also post lyrics with latin alphabet?
Thank you very much!
היא לא יודעת מה קורה לי
בשעות הקטנות של הלילה
היא יפה שאוהבת לשתוק
כולה ממתוק ...
Thread: Sharif & Eti Levi - Gever Bli Mila (0 Replies, 15,745 Views) by shhora
Can anyone translate this song and also post lyrics with latin alphabet!! Toda Raba!
לא רוצה צרות ולא בחורות
להיות נזיר היום שווה להיות
הכרתי איזו מישהי רצתה כבר חתונה
אמרתי לה חכי על...
Thread: Itay Levi - Perah Bashmama (0 Replies, 16,371 Views) by shhora
Please can anyone translate this song and also post the lyrics with latin alphabet. Thanks!!
מנגן לך את השיר מהסרט
הישן ההוא שכל כך אהבנו
איך אותך אני מכיר כמה זה
עושה לי טוב...
Thread: Talisman & Maor Edri - Shluk Miketzev (0 Replies, 16,294 Views) by shhora
Please anyone can translate this song and also post lyrics with latin alphabet. Toda raba!!
את כמו אל פצ'ינו, יש לך סוואג של כוכבת הוליווד היו לנו תיכנונים
אהבה היא כמו קזינו, All in...
Thread: Ramy Sabri - Ghaly 2017 (0 Replies, 2,815 Views) by shhora
Please can anyone post lyrics with latin alphabet and translate this sing for us?
Thank you very much!
Thread: Stavento - Μικρέ Μου Δυναμίτη (0 Replies, 12,407 Views) by shhora
Can anyone translate this song and also post lyrics with latin alphabet. Thank You very much!
Thread: Giorgos Tsalikis - O Giatros (0 Replies, 8,408 Views) by shhora
Please can someone translate this song and also post the lyrics with latin alphabet.
Thank you very much!
Thread: Κωνσταντίνος (PersonaS) - Η Πιο Ωραία Στην Ελλάδα (1 Replies, 3,848 Views) by shhora
Can anyone post lyrics with latin alphabet and translations for this song. Thank you very much!
Από τη στιγμή που φάνηκες μπροστά μου
Χτυπάει σαν τρελή για σένα η καρδιά μου
Σάρκα και...
Thread: Κωνσταντίνος Κουφός - Τα Ποτήρια Μας Ψηλά (0 Replies, 2,853 Views) by shhora
Please anyone can post lyrics with latin alphabet and translation for this song. Thank you very much!
-«Κουπλέ | Verse»-
Οι γυναίκες, τα ξενύχτια, το αλκοόλ και τα στριφτά ...
Thread: פאר טסי - מה עשית בחיים (1 Replies, 17,051 Views) by shhora
Can anyone translate this song and post phonetic lyrics. Toda raba!
קבענו שם בתשע
התלבשתי כמו חתן
עוד רגע נפגש אני כמעט מוכן
כמה זה ילך אנל'א יודע
אין מה להפסיד
אולי זה דייט קטן...
Thread: Rotem Cohen - Ecoute Chéri (1 Replies, 18,305 Views) by shhora
Can anyone post transliterated lyrics and translation for this song. Thank you very much!
Thread: Nancy Ajram - Fakra Zaman (1 Replies, 3,311 Views) by shhora
Can anyone post lyrics with latin alphabet and the transaltion for this song. Thank you very much!
Thread: Lior NArkis - Esh | ליאור נרקיס - אש (0 Replies, 17,188 Views) by shhora
Please anyone cand translate this song and also post transliterated lyrics. Thank you very Much!
אש המבט שלך כובש ואני פה מתרגש / לא יכול לחיות יום בלעדייך / אם רק תתני לי...
Thread: Lior Narkis - Asinu Historia | ליאור נרקיס - עשינו היסטוריה (0 Replies, 16,476 Views) by shhora
Please anyone can translate this song and also post transliterated lyrics. Thank you very much!
תראה לאן הגענו בית משוגעים
אנשים עפים עד למעלה
לך תבין את זה הם בכלל לא טייסים
אפ׳חד לא...
Thread: Samira Said - Hawa Hawa (1 Replies, 5,076 Views) by shhora
Please anyone can post lyrics with latin alphabet and translation for this song?!
Thank you very much!
Thread: Eyal Golan Ft. Mike Stanley & Duke Anthony - Rak Ted'i (0 Replies, 16,623 Views) by shhora
please can anyone translate this song, obviously hebrew part.
Thank you very much!
Thread: Amr Diab - Rasmaha (0 Replies, 3,435 Views) by shhora
Please can anyone translate this song and also post lyrics with latin alphabet. Thank you very much!
Thread: Eyal Golan - Rahok Mikan (0 Replies, 17,632 Views) by shhora
Can somebody post lyrics with latin alphabet and also translate this song. Please! Toda!!
את כוחותיי את תפילותיי
הקרבתי בכדי לשכוח את הכל,
אל מול עיניי בנדודיי אני תוהה אם הייתי...
Thread: Amr Diab - Al qahira 2016 (2 Replies, 14,853 Views) by shhora
Please can anyone translate this song and also post transliterated lyrics. Thank you very much!
Thread: E-Z - Glued to the wall (0 Replies, 17,357 Views) by shhora
Can anyone please post the lyrics with latin alphabet and the transation for this song. Toda raba!
Thread: Peer Tasi - Im Tehaki Li (0 Replies, 18,271 Views) by shhora
Please can anyone translate this song and also post transliterated lyrics. Toda raba!!
ערב שוב יורד רוחות קרות
שקט מסביב את רחוקה לי
נשיקות קטנות על הדמעות
אל תגידי לי אם טוב או...
Thread: Cafe Shahor Hazak ft Nechi Nech - - ihiye beseder (0 Replies, 22,877 Views) by shhora
Please can anyone translate this song and also post the lyrics but with latin alphabet. Thank you very much!
Thread: Γιώργος Τσαλίκης - Απαγορευμένο 3 (1 Replies, 4,639 Views) by shhora
Please anyone can post phonetic lyrics and also translate this song please!!
Thread: KYD ft Dean Cohen - Masalam (0 Replies, 18,785 Views) by shhora
Please can anyone translate this song and also post transliterated lyrics. Toda raba!!! Peace!!
מסאלאם נמאס לנו מזמן
אם לא אתם אז אנחנו נשנה את העולם
מסאלאם כולנו בני אדם
Thread: Thanos Petrelis - Theleis De Theleis (1 Replies, 4,587 Views) by shhora
Please can anyone translate this song and also post lyrics with latin alphabet? thank you very much.
Thread: Omer Adam - Bucharest (2 Replies, 25,342 Views) by shhora
Please somebody can translate about this song. pleaseee. Thank you!!
מצאתי את עצמי לבד משתעמם לי
פתאום הטלפון התחיל לצלצל
ועל הקו חבר רווק שמתחתן לו
מזכיר בסוף שבוע אל תתבלבל...
Thread: Ness - Subliminal Feat. Maor Edri & Eti Biton (0 Replies, 17,977 Views) by shhora
Can anyone translate this song, please. Thank you very much!!
נס, היא רוצה נס
חולמת על לומר yes
מחפשת גבר מאליק על כס
**(מלך על כס מלכות)
וואחאד חם שהחדר נמס
Thread: Lior Mayara | ליאור מיארה- לעוף על החיים (0 Replies, 18,337 Views) by shhora
can anyone translate this song and also post transliterated lyrics. Toda raba!!
בשם השם נעשה ונצליח
מילות השיר:
יום חמישי שעה אחת
עושים שמח באילת
זרוקים עם בירות על החוף
Thread: Lara Scandar - Taalou Ghannou Maaya (0 Replies, 1,723 Views) by shhora
PLEASE anyone can translate this song and also post the transliterated lyrics. Thank you very much!!
Thread: Julieta - Ba li ba li (1 Replies, 18,232 Views) by shhora
Please anyone can translate this song and also post transliteration. pleaseeee. Toda raba!!
תן לה שתיקח אותך לקנות לה מתנות
שתרחיק ממך את כל המבטים של הבנות
תן לה להגיד לך שאין כמוך,...
Thread: KYD - Candy (2 Replies, 20,972 Views) by shhora
toda raba. please if you want to post the hebrew lyrics with latin alphabet.
Thread: Amr Diab - Balash Tebaed (2 Replies, 7,821 Views) by shhora
Hello everyone!!
Please can anyone post arabic lyrics transliterated and the translation for this song please. Thank you very much!!
Thread: KYD - Candy (2 Replies, 20,972 Views) by shhora
Can anyone translate this song and also post transliteration please. Toda Raba
מסתובב מסתובב כל היום
מחכה לערב שנלך לישון
כל חיבוק שלך עושה לי חשק לעוד
כשאני נופל את גורמת...
Thread: אתניקס ועדן בן זקן - מקסיקאנה (1 Replies, 6,984 Views) by shhora
Please anyone can translate this song. And also post the transliteration. Thank you very much.
שמור מרחק שמור מכול צרה אבל לעולם אל תשמור מרחק ממני
שוב תפוס - משמרת אחרונה - מה כול...
Thread: Kobi Peretz - Je t'aime, I love you baby (1 Replies, 6,288 Views) by shhora
please anyone can post lyrics and translation and also transliteration for this song. please:help_fun:. TODA
Thread: Eyal Golan - Israel (1 Replies, 8,573 Views) by shhora
please anyone can translate this song and also post phonetic lyrics
Toda raba:music_fun:
Thread: Mustafa Sandal - Organik album (4 Replies, 2,439 Views) by shhora
i don't understand why u get upset. i just copied a part from forum rules and told you what i've been understand. but "thanks" for helping
Thread: Mustafa Sandal - Organik album (4 Replies, 2,439 Views) by shhora
3) If you want the translation of a whole album for a specific singer use this
format as the title:
Artist – Title of Album
Ex: Tarkan – Metamorfoz
Please, when you request the...
Thread: Mustafa Sandal - Organik album (4 Replies, 2,439 Views) by shhora
Selam everyone! :blush_fun:
first i apologize if i start a new thread what it's possible to be on this forum already, but my excuse is that i search it before and i only found one song from his...
Thread: Maor Daniel - לכי תספרי לכולם (2 Replies, 3,415 Views) by shhora
thank you very much yosis
Thread: Maor Daniel - לכי תספרי לכולם (2 Replies, 3,415 Views) by shhora
please can anyone translate this song and also post phonetic lyrics.:p
Toda raba :music_fun:
Thread: Amr Diab - El leila 2013 album (44 Replies, 43,361 Views) by shhora
thank you very much ... can you also post transliteration
Thread: Amr Diab - El leila 2013 album (44 Replies, 43,361 Views) by shhora
Hello everyone!!
can anyone translate his all new song from his new album
1. Adit El Ayam
2. El leila
3. Andy suwal
4. Fouq Men Elenta Feh
5. Garaly eh
6. Habeet Ya Alby
Thread: שרית חדד - בדד (3 Replies, 4,190 Views) by shhora
please anyone can translate this song and also post phonetic lyrics. toda raba :)
אני עדיין שלך
כל כך בטוחה...