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Thread: arabic letters & how to write (19 Replies, 14,485 Views) by Eso
Thread: arabic letters & how to write (19 Replies, 14,485 Views) by Eso
sorry for being so late :)
Thread: Anwar Nour - El Leila Eidy / أنور نور - الليلة عيدي (9 Replies, 11,525 Views) by Eso
u r welcome layla :)
Thread: arabic letters & how to write (19 Replies, 14,485 Views) by Eso
salam lailah
i'm really sorry i'll post more letters soon
Thread: arabic letters & how to write (19 Replies, 14,485 Views) by Eso
thanks.. this letters are the same in all dialects but the examples are words on egyptian dialect
any way wish you luck :)
Thread: arabic letters & how to write (19 Replies, 14,485 Views) by Eso
Thread: arabic letters & how to write (19 Replies, 14,485 Views) by Eso
Thread: arabic letters & how to write (19 Replies, 14,485 Views) by Eso
Thread: arabic letters & how to write (19 Replies, 14,485 Views) by Eso
Thread: arabic letters & how to write (19 Replies, 14,485 Views) by Eso
Thread: arabic letters & how to write (19 Replies, 14,485 Views) by Eso
today inshaallah i'll post two letters :)
Thread: arabic letters & how to write (19 Replies, 14,485 Views) by Eso
Thread: arabic letters & how to write (19 Replies, 14,485 Views) by Eso
Thread: arabic letters & how to write (19 Replies, 14,485 Views) by Eso
Thread: arabic letters & how to write (19 Replies, 14,485 Views) by Eso
i think about show you how to read and write arabic letters cause it's better than latin letters, and if you learn with arabic font it will be more easy and not confused.
also i made it as a...
Thread: can you guys help me with this translation .. Many thanks in advance (1 Replies, 3,029 Views) by Eso
i see only question marks!!!
if you can see letters take a photo, then i can help
Thread: i need help please!!! (1 Replies, 2,994 Views) by Eso
so hard to find the song
try to remember some words
Thread: What does this picture say? (1 Replies, 3,478 Views) by Eso
i became a star ,"qamar" and others dreams of the glory on my detriment
"qamar" : i think she is a singer
Thread: VIVA : happy birthday <3 (9 Replies, 7,457 Views) by Eso
happy birthdayyyyyy nooooor :D
Thread: المساعدة في إيجاد الأغاني الأصلية باللغة (6 Replies, 4,482 Views) by Eso
i hope find it
but the music looks like one of her songs
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,890 Replies, 317,055 Views) by Eso
رياضتى المفضله: الجرى ورا الترام
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,890 Replies, 317,055 Views) by Eso
- tol3it 3ala rasif 3ale
i stepped on the high pavement
- 3am 3alema el swe2a 3emletle
i teach her driving
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,890 Replies, 317,055 Views) by Eso
she didn't ask with syrian dialect :mad:
we can say also
مقدرش اعيش من غير ابتسامتك :p :p
Thread: المساعدة في إيجاد الأغاني الأصلية باللغة (6 Replies, 4,482 Views) by Eso
-i think it's for dina hayek
Thread: المساعدة في إيجاد الأغاني الأصلية باللغة (6 Replies, 4,482 Views) by Eso
number 3
اديك عرفت اليسا
Thread: Mohamed Fouad - Habibi garahtk (2 Replies, 2,798 Views) by Eso
the song translated before
here is the post
Thread: Why> (17 Replies, 3,518 Views) by Eso
this name called by arab in Middle Ages and it's means the sunset place
and it was divided in three parts lowest morocco(tunisia), middle morocco(algeria) and far morocco (morocco kingdom)
Thread: Ehab Tawfik - Tesada2 Bi Eih (2 Replies, 3,655 Views) by Eso
حبيبي تصدق بايه ... قلبي معرفش ليه
my love,how could you believe?!.. i don't know why my heart
اول ما شافك ناداك ... قال ده اللي هموت عليه
when it saw you called you.. and said that's what i want...
Thread: Ehab Tawfik - Tesada2 Bi Eih (2 Replies, 3,655 Views) by Eso
حبيبي تصدق بايه ... قلبي معرفش ليه
habibi tsdaa b eh .... albi maarafsh leh
اول ما شافك ناداك ... قال ده اللي هموت عليه.
awel ma shafak ndak ... aal da elly hamot aaleh
تملي بسأل عليك ... بتوه...
Thread: Hi! (19 Replies, 2,684 Views) by Eso
così bello
Thread: Hi! (19 Replies, 2,684 Views) by Eso
welcome to the form
@ zahra
enty bt3rafy kam lo3'a??
Thread: Hello Im New (5 Replies, 2,023 Views) by Eso
welcome jasmine to the forum, hope you have nice time here
Thread: youtube videos (7 Replies, 4,456 Views) by Eso
lol ok, the problem in my connection :D:D
Thread: Merhaba (25 Replies, 4,304 Views) by Eso
ok under my pic there is join date
and under it
two icons
one for msn and the other one for yahoo :D:D
Thread: youtube videos (7 Replies, 4,456 Views) by Eso
i do it, but can't see the video
Thread: youtube videos (7 Replies, 4,456 Views) by Eso
no , i'll try now
Thread: Merhaba (25 Replies, 4,304 Views) by Eso
l2 l2 hena :D:D
Thread: Merhaba (25 Replies, 4,304 Views) by Eso
@ zahra
you can too ;)
you can see under my pic :D
Thread: youtube videos (7 Replies, 4,456 Views) by Eso
thanks ya sadekti :) :)
Thread: youtube videos (7 Replies, 4,456 Views) by Eso
hi guys
want to know how can i embed youtube videos or not?
hope anyone tell me
and if i can, how i can??
i try it but it's don't appear
Thread: Merhaba (25 Replies, 4,304 Views) by Eso
teşekkür zahra :D
Thread: marhaba (11 Replies, 3,078 Views) by Eso
you are welcome :)
Thread: Merhaba (25 Replies, 4,304 Views) by Eso
you are welcome Büşra, hope you get what you want here :)
i can help in arabic too ;)
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,504 Replies, 250,740 Views) by Eso
i ask Lebanese friend and she wrote it right
"awl kilmi 7abaytak,,ekhir kilmi nadmeni nadmeni albi 3ataytak w3shi2tak 3alimni mara tenyi tedba7 aleb 7abak 3ibedi"
my first word i love you, the...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,504 Replies, 250,740 Views) by Eso
i wanna you learn arabic letters
it's very easy
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,504 Replies, 250,740 Views) by Eso
you are welcome :)
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,504 Replies, 250,740 Views) by Eso
who are they
i means who is she
i see her twice .... i say i must change the Sudanese drugs (it's joke we say it when we see something unusual)
it's mexican type, it's hard(heavy) to you
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,504 Replies, 250,740 Views) by Eso
what a beautiful ... it's egyptian dialect not only arabic, wow
you catch it in egypt? (OR) you hold it in egypt?
temsekeha fe masr? = i don't understand it
you must know the meaning, i...
Thread: need translation of a title only! (8 Replies, 2,091 Views) by Eso
@ taliania
(slam) here not meaning peace
it's meaning safe
gena bel-salama
means we came back safely
and may be she means a two persons (salma & salama)
Thread: need translation of a title only! (8 Replies, 2,091 Views) by Eso
@ Vanessa
she need only translate the title of the song