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Thread: Adnan & Khdair Hadi - Ya Suri / عدنان الجبوري و خضير هادي - يا سوري (1 Replies, 7,833 Views) by WannaBFluent
This is a different version (some changes on the lyrics, especially when the old man speaks) :
خلي بالك على بلادك على جارك على ولادك
على ارضك هاي الطيبة على سورية الحبيبة
ياسوري فتح عينك ربي...
Thread: Hussam Jniid yaa ba5er / حسام جنيد يابحر (0 Replies, 2,972 Views) by WannaBFluent
translation please.
يا بحر عطفك علينا
والله يكفي الصرف بينا بينا بينا
Thread: Adnan & Khdair Hadi - Ya Suri / عدنان الجبوري و خضير هادي - يا سوري (1 Replies, 7,833 Views) by WannaBFluent
translation please.
If you can't read it clearly, because it's too small, check below.
(it's the same script just taller text.
Thread: Layal Abboud ft Adnan Ismael - Laken (1 Replies, 3,471 Views) by WannaBFluent
I found the Arabic lyrics for you:
لو في جيب من الايام دقات وسنين
لو في جيب العمر يا عمري بحبك عمرين
لو بدك مني روحي و قلبي الك والعين
Thread: Wafiq Habib - Hayu Suriya / حيو سوريا وفيق حبيب (0 Replies, 3,611 Views) by WannaBFluent
Can you translate it please, here are the lyrics :
حيوا سوريا بلدنا حيوا سوريا
حيوا هالأرض الي ربتنا حيوا سوريا
Thread: Qaasem al-Najjaar - Hacker Hacker Tel-Aviv / قاسم النجار، هكر هكر تل ابيب (0 Replies, 3,490 Views) by WannaBFluent
قاسم النجار، هكر هكر تل ابيب
Qaasem al-Najjaar - Hacker Hacker Tel-Aviv
شَلوم آوبآمآ آلحقونآ آلحقونآ آلهكر َلعن...
Thread: Julia Butros - al-7aqu silaa7i الحق سلاحي - جوليا بطرس (2 Replies, 8,334 Views) by WannaBFluent
Can you translate this, and if possible give transliteration of the lyrics, thanks
الحق سلاحي
الحق سلاحي وأقاوم
أنا فوق جراحي سأقاوم
أنا لن أستسلم...
Thread: أغنية شارة بداية مسلسل علاقات خاصة (1 Replies, 3,269 Views) by WannaBFluent
السلام عليكم
I'm looking for the lyrics and translation of the theme song of the tv series called 3alaaqat 5aasa علاقات خاصة
شكرا كتير
Thread: Abbas Uthman رجعنا و معنا نصر كبير (0 Replies, 2,925 Views) by WannaBFluent
This song was already there :
But the transliteration was not accurate and contains mistakes, here is a...
Thread: Websites For Online Series Watching (10 Replies, 23,850 Views) by WannaBFluent
Thanks, i'll share what i found too :
Thread: Websites For Online Series Watching (10 Replies, 23,850 Views) by WannaBFluent
barak Allahu fik shukran ktiir! its good to see you again hob! ;)
3id mabruk!
Thread: Websites For Online Series Watching (10 Replies, 23,850 Views) by WannaBFluent
I can only access shahid plus that's the problem. maybe it's because i do not live in an arabic country so i can only access to shahid plus i dont know but all the programs have the "plus" stamp on...
Thread: Websites For Online Series Watching (10 Replies, 23,850 Views) by WannaBFluent
hi everybody, how are you guys it's been a long time i haven't see you!
Thread: Arabic (4 Replies, 30,292 Views) by WannaBFluent
WRONG FORUMS. these are Albanian, not Arabic.
Thread: arabic song (1 Replies, 14,062 Views) by WannaBFluent
Thread: song (1 Replies, 11,870 Views) by WannaBFluent
Thread: Hussein Al Deek - Gheirik Ma Bakhtar (8 Replies, 24,997 Views) by WannaBFluent
barak Allahu fiiki
Thread: Anne Sofie von Otter: Quel joli temps (Septembre) (8 Replies, 10,662 Views) by WannaBFluent
can't watch, it says Youtube has bloqued this video in my country... :/
Thread: Anne Sofie von Otter: Quel joli temps (Septembre) (8 Replies, 10,662 Views) by WannaBFluent
i couldn't even find the song on youtube... provide link please
Thread: Song translation (3 Replies, 2,755 Views) by WannaBFluent
Thread: Hindi dialects (0 Replies, 14,597 Views) by WannaBFluent
I want to know what are the main differences about these dialects of Hindi - pronunciation or vocabulary or even gammar rules - and if there some tips to recognize them (for example a...
Thread: French song from early 80'es / Chanson de debut des annee 80 (3 Replies, 5,762 Views) by WannaBFluent
Je vous chante la tristesse
Moi je suis le cœur du monde
Et je m'appelle le poète
Le monde est ma chambre secrète
Les vagues sont mes copines
Près de notre amour plein de style
Près du paradis...
Thread: Learn Kuwaiti (2 Replies, 13,516 Views) by WannaBFluent
if you speak yemeni, please help the people here -
Thread: Circles (10 Replies, 18,764 Views) by WannaBFluent
Naaaan, rien de rieeen! *piaf* :D
de rien mon frère! (you're welcome my brother)!
Thread: Nezlet al Baydar - Reda (4 Replies, 2,567 Views) by WannaBFluent
as-salaam 3aleykom ya ukhty zeynep,
كلمات اغنية نزلت على البيدر
here are the lyrics of رضا - نزلت ع البيدر | Rida - Nezlet Aal Baydar
نزلت على البيدر
نزلت عالبيدر تتغندر بالمشلح و العباية...
Thread: Circles (10 Replies, 18,764 Views) by WannaBFluent
i) Les annees suivent ****, if you want 6 syllabes, the only way is to say : Et les années suivent. that would implicitly means that the years follow the movement of the season, they all pass by.
Thread: Circles (10 Replies, 18,764 Views) by WannaBFluent
Ma vie (entiere ) n'est qu'un cycle (7 syllables)(6 stresses)
Point du jour a nuit (it's not French) (5 syllables) (5 stresses) - Point de jour ni de nuit
Du lever du soleil à son couché
La lune...
Thread: I really need everyones help with the lyrics of these songs (14 Replies, 14,529 Views) by WannaBFluent
you know, i'm not saying that to make you upset or because i fell in love with the rules. it is just that if someone, in the future, wants to find these lyrics, it will be harder for him... then he...
Thread: Circles (10 Replies, 18,764 Views) by WannaBFluent
you want something poetical?
Ma vie entière n'est qu'un cycle
Du lever du soleil à son couché
La lune traverse la nuit
Jusqu'à ce que le jour éclaire
Ma vie entière n'est qu'un cycle
Et je ne...
Thread: Learning French language (319 Replies, 154,675 Views) by WannaBFluent
no problem! :)
Thread: I really need everyones help with the lyrics of these songs (14 Replies, 14,529 Views) by WannaBFluent
in thread titles, avoid the words : "need", "help", "translation", etc. We already know that you are going to ask for a translation and you can precise it in the post. In the thread title just type...
Thread: Nezlet al Baydar - Reda (4 Replies, 2,567 Views) by WannaBFluent
in thread titles, avoid the words : "please", "english", "translation", etc. We already know that you are going to ask for a translation and you can precise it in the post. In the thread title just...
Thread: Sherine - Mesh Khayfa / شيرين - مش خايفة (5 Replies, 9,576 Views) by WannaBFluent
There are A LOT of requests that have already been translated.
Mesh Khayfa :...
Thread: FREE Hindi Learning Ressources (2 Replies, 18,847 Views) by WannaBFluent
update - 1 PDF BOOK ADDED!
A Grammar of the Urdu or Hindustani Language in its Romanized Character - George Small
Thread: Natacha & Stéphanie - Une terre sans vous (3 Replies, 5,330 Views) by WannaBFluent
de rien :)
Thread: Learning French language (319 Replies, 154,675 Views) by WannaBFluent
check it again, i added more than 5 books since 12:40 PM ;)
now you have no excuse not to learn and speak hindi properly!!! :D
Thread: Natacha & Stéphanie - Une terre sans vous (3 Replies, 5,330 Views) by WannaBFluent
Une terre sans vous
A land without you
Natacha & Stéphanie
Si ce soir
If tonight
Tu me parles à cœur ouvert de ton histoire
You tell me with an open heart about your story
Si je pars
If I...
Thread: FREE Hindi Learning Ressources (2 Replies, 18,847 Views) by WannaBFluent
update - 5 PDF BOOKS ADDED!
if you know more ressources (especially PDF books), post links below and i will add them to the list. please do not provide many online learning websites as their...
Thread: Learning French language (319 Replies, 154,675 Views) by WannaBFluent
oh ok, i planned to learn hindi as well. but i'm currently focused on arabic at the moment.
check this :...
Thread: FREE Hindi Learning Ressources (2 Replies, 18,847 Views) by WannaBFluent
This is the result of hours of research, please leave a thanks! and remember that the best way to say thank you to me is to become yourself a fluent speaker of Hindi!
some of these books talk about...
Thread: Learning French language (319 Replies, 154,675 Views) by WannaBFluent
yes, you're right! :)
i'm from france, and no, unfortunately, i do not speak hindi... maybe someday :D
Thread: Learning French language (319 Replies, 154,675 Views) by WannaBFluent
I didn't know this website, the concept is very good! i gonna check it sometimes, thank you! shukran ktiir! :)
Thread: Learning French language (319 Replies, 154,675 Views) by WannaBFluent
other tv channels
gulli -
(was hard to find because the official website does not allow you to watch live - for kids, cartoons,...
Thread: Choman Rashid - Shiriny Dali Hanary (8 Replies, 18,002 Views) by WannaBFluent
this is kurmanci, right?
Thread: Soprano – Moi J'Ai Pas (6 Replies, 9,581 Views) by WannaBFluent
if you like french rap, you should know the "new phenomenom" (he is not that new because he started ages ago, but he wasn't known in the whole country) called KAARIS. His song "Zoo" made him known...
Thread: Soprano – Moi J'Ai Pas (6 Replies, 9,581 Views) by WannaBFluent
according to me, these lyrics are very bad... he refers too much to other rap singers and celebs' lives, and the repetition of Moi, j'ai pas (I don't have) sounds very childish...
Thread: Learning French language (319 Replies, 154,675 Views) by WannaBFluent
and the tv program!
Thread: Learning French language (319 Replies, 154,675 Views) by WannaBFluent
for those who want to learn french, here is some live tv channels :
france 2 -
france 3 -
france 4 -
Thread: Hussein Al Deek - Gheirik Ma Bakhtar (8 Replies, 24,997 Views) by WannaBFluent
This is what I am looking for too brother! hopefully, you already create the thread thanks!
Thread: Fadel Shaker - Min Awal Omri [*] (6 Replies, 7,035 Views) by WannaBFluent
what are you talking about? i don't get it? this song? it's fadel shaker, it's written in the title of the thread.