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Thread: Delete Account (0 Replies, 11,406 Views) by Zakynthos
Hi, I would my account to be deleted, if it is possible, because I can't seem to do it myself in the General Settings. Thank you in advance. Anthony
Thread: Ice Queen (3 Replies, 17,964 Views) by Zakynthos
I love this. The Ice/Snow Queen fairytale has always been a great source of inspiration. Have you seen the relative film? I can't forget that scene where a piece of glass gets in the eye of the boy.
Thread: Παρακαλώ - Οπως ακριβώς ανασαίνω (Marinella) (1 Replies, 5,591 Views) by Zakynthos
Κείνες τις ώρες που μου λείπεις
Those times that I miss you
στις απουσίες της αγάπης
In the absence of love
η μοναξιά μου με σταυρώνει
The loneliness that's tormenting me
στο παραθύρι, στο...
Thread: Μιχάλης Χατζηγιάννης - Έχω μοναξιές (2 Replies, 5,582 Views) by Zakynthos
Κόλλησα πάλι στο θυμό που μου κρατάς
I only think of the fact that you're mad at me
Στις καλημέρες στα σι-ντι που μου χρωστάς
I think of all the "Good mornings" and the CDs that you owe me
Σε ένα...
Thread: O mikros mou adelfos (6 Replies, 9,452 Views) by Zakynthos
I'm sorry, but I don't know this song.
Thread: O mikros mou adelfos (6 Replies, 9,452 Views) by Zakynthos
Yes, «adelfos» is formal and same to the Ancient Greek form, but still there's a chance to hear it in non-formal everyday speaking.
Thread: Reborn (4 Replies, 32,388 Views) by Zakynthos
That "burns-turns" rhyme is a real earworm! Good work, I like it!
Thread: Panos Kiamos - Den Aksizei (2 Replies, 5,380 Views) by Zakynthos
Mi stathis
Don't stay
Kane ena vima makria mu
Take a step away from me
Xero se pligoni i agalia mu
I know that my embrace is hurting you
Osso s'agapo se filakizo
The more I love you, the more...
Thread: Roben to kameno dason (2 Replies, 5,145 Views) by Zakynthos
Yenithika mes ti spilia tu tsimenteniu draku
I was born in the cave of the cement dragon
Apo to stoma tu xernai tis floges tu thanatu
He vomits from his mouth the flames of death
stenepse o...
Thread: I Cussed God (1 Replies, 2,047 Views) by Zakynthos
I like this lyric. Different but original.
Seems like there are no rhymes here (?).
Thread: Smyrna (6 Replies, 5,354 Views) by Zakynthos
sorry the translation is a little bit . .
Thread: Swan Song (7 Replies, 3,977 Views) by Zakynthos
Seriously, 14 family members? That's . . . great!
Thank god Latin is also offered in university!
Thread: Cold Hands (5 Replies, 1,888 Views) by Zakynthos
Indeed.. I got sick yesterday though and I'm all day at home.. Ι don't feel it's Christmas..
Merry Christmas for yesterday.
Καλές γιορτες!!!
Thread: Cold Hands (5 Replies, 1,888 Views) by Zakynthos
Thread: Who I Am (5 Replies, 1,394 Views) by Zakynthos
Ι totally agree.
I just love this.
Thread: Without Warning (4 Replies, 1,539 Views) by Zakynthos
Thanks. I agree, but this goodbye doesn't lead to anything... It's more like "locking" a memory.
Thread: Fantasyland Magic (16 Replies, 5,213 Views) by Zakynthos
For some reason, Fantasyland Magic at some points reminds me of "Raven Beauty of the Night". To be honest, just "Magic" sounds better as a title to me.. On the other side, I'm not a native...
Thread: Baby, Goodbye... (8 Replies, 2,232 Views) by Zakynthos
haha better late than never..
Thread: All Lies (6 Replies, 1,699 Views) by Zakynthos
i like this, its sad and ive felt the same.. proof is my new song "without warning"
Thread: Without Warning (4 Replies, 1,539 Views) by Zakynthos
Thread: Rust (3 Replies, 1,534 Views) by Zakynthos
Thread: Either This Or That (6 Replies, 3,817 Views) by Zakynthos
I thought they could be "near rhymes". Maybe it's "these" that rhymes with "dreams", sorry.
Thread: Either This Or That (6 Replies, 3,817 Views) by Zakynthos
Perhaps I should find another title, I don't like it now. lol
Thread: Either This Or That (6 Replies, 3,817 Views) by Zakynthos
Haha, thanks again, Doug! I thought "that or this" would sound better because it rhymes with "dreams". Should I change it?
Thread: Real Problems (45 Replies, 13,272 Views) by Zakynthos
Your answer to my inquiry was satisfactory enough, thank you.
Thread: Save My World (7 Replies, 2,284 Views) by Zakynthos
Yes, I'm back for good! Thanks. It really means a lot.
Thread: Save My World (7 Replies, 2,284 Views) by Zakynthos
Amaryn, I was always optimistic rather to a greater extent. And I believe this is why my lyrics are mostly pessimistic... it's like I get rid of pessimism each time I write. Remember what Ernest...
Thread: Real Problems (45 Replies, 13,272 Views) by Zakynthos
I saw a KFC store for the first time in my short life a few days ago in Athens and I can't say I look forward to eating there. It has been ... I don't remember how many years since the last time I...
Thread: Amethyst (6 Replies, 3,219 Views) by Zakynthos
Yes, Eccer! That's right. And the word "nectar" is pronounced the same in Greek.
Thread: Amethyst (6 Replies, 3,219 Views) by Zakynthos
7 words in this poem have Greek root. Guess which.
Thread: Amethyst (6 Replies, 3,219 Views) by Zakynthos
Thanks Doug. Though I believe it's not only the English lessons I had, but also my deep interest for the English language.
Thread: False Belonging (11 Replies, 3,746 Views) by Zakynthos
No broken piece of glass can be saved. Lol
Thread: Either This Or That (6 Replies, 3,817 Views) by Zakynthos
Thread: Amethyst (6 Replies, 3,219 Views) by Zakynthos
Thread: John's Song (3 Replies, 1,044 Views) by Zakynthos
This is so wonderful. Relaxing and enjoyable to read. I feel better now. Serene. Especially like the second verse.
Thread: Real Problems (45 Replies, 13,272 Views) by Zakynthos
Hi Doug,
From the very first read I loved this. (aaah! had to open two tags, one for your lyrics and one for my comment lol) I always wanted to write something about the real problems we are...
Thread: False Belonging (11 Replies, 3,746 Views) by Zakynthos
I feel you. Words are sometimes hard to manipulate..
Thread: Better Days (7 Replies, 1,928 Views) by Zakynthos
It's indirectly clear lol And it definitely works that way.
Thread: Twisting Ties, Twisted Thoughts (5 Replies, 1,830 Views) by Zakynthos
I agree with the above.. I'm speechless really. Wish I had your writing ability to express myself like you do. :)
Thread: Better Days (7 Replies, 1,928 Views) by Zakynthos
Strange how two songs with the same title can be so different. (see below "similar threads")
I like how your story unfolds but I'm not completely sure what happened in the second verse. Did she...
Thread: False Belonging (11 Replies, 3,746 Views) by Zakynthos
Hi Kerri,
You caught my attention when you left a like on a song I've posted.. so thanks. :)
I'd like to know what the first verse is. Maybe an introduction? I'm glad to see that you don't have a...
Thread: Raven Beauty ( of the night) (27 Replies, 8,921 Views) by Zakynthos
It's funny that I too have a melody in mind, perhaps very different than yours. And I have to admit I catch myself singing this occasionally, really! "Raven Beauty" remains my personal favourite by...
Thread: Save My World (7 Replies, 2,284 Views) by Zakynthos
Thread: You Here (5 Replies, 1,916 Views) by Zakynthos
Hey Doug, I'm so glad you like it! Because I spend little time here, if you need me to return the favour, I'm willing to comment on any song of yours. Now that I've left school, I have enough time to...
Thread: You Here (5 Replies, 1,916 Views) by Zakynthos
Thread: Vivian Nikolaidi - Apopse Tha Ginei Xamos (2 Replies, 2,896 Views) by Zakynthos
Oύτε λέξη, ούτε πόσο και γιατί
No words, no asking how and why
Στην αγάπη το περίπου δεν υπάρχει
There's no "almost" in love
Θυσιάζεις δίνεις σώμα και ψυχή
You sacrifice, you give your body and...
Thread: Weaknesses & Strengths (2 Replies, 2,863 Views) by Zakynthos
I was thinking of replacing the "weaknesses and strengths" with "vulnerabilities". Which sounds better?
Thread: Weaknesses & Strengths (2 Replies, 2,863 Views) by Zakynthos
Thread: Wrong Words (2 Replies, 1,322 Views) by Zakynthos
Yeah, I agree with you about the second verse but for long i wanted to use these rhymes ("zero-hero"). I'll change it soon, in the meantime I'm open to suggestions. I also admit I was in a hurry to...
Thread: Sorry (1 Replies, 1,613 Views) by Zakynthos
I was thinking of changing the title, perhaps even some lines, so I'm open to suggestions. :)